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Bikeability Checklist

The Bikeability Checklist (undated), produced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center,Exit and the U.S. Department of Transportation, allows community members to rate the safety and efficiency of using a bicycle to get around. A person can review the questions on the checklist, then take a ride to shops, work, or a friend's house. Upon returning from the ride, the person answers the questions.

The checklist also includes suggestions for making a community safer for bicycling. These suggestions are organized based on the checklist's categories and divided into actions that can improve conditions immediately and those that will take more time. The checklist also includes an extensive resources section.

  • Issue categories:
    • Places to bicycle safely
    • Surface quality
    • Safety of intersections
    • Automobile driver behavior
    • Ease of use
    • What could make things safer?
  • Number of questions: 7
  • Scale of each rated component: 1 to 6
  • Summary score: Yes

See more scorecards to help evaluate municipal-level policies, specific projects, and community components on EPA's Smart Growth Scorecards page.

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