TABLE_NAME SAMPLE_TYPE DATA_COLUMN LABEL LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW UNITS tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS IM_COMMENT Explanation of IM_FLAG or comment assigned during QA review tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDEX_NLA "Index visit for lake (used in population estimates). For sites visited, VISIT_NO=1 is designated as the index visit (even if no samples were collected). Blank= not assigned (sites not evaluated or not needed). Y=Index visit, N=Not index visit" Y|N| tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_BENT Index sample for benthic macroinvertebrates Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_CHEM Index sample for water chemistry Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_CHLA Index sample for Chlorophyll a Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_CORE Index sample for sediment core Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_ENTE Index sample for enterococci Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_MICR Index sample for microcystin Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_PHAB Index sample for physical habitat Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_SDHG Index sample for sediment mercury Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS INDXSAMP_ZOOP Index sample for zooplankton Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS REF_NLA12_NUTR Disturbance category for nutrients for NLA 2012 R|S|T tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS RT_NLA12_BENT Disturbance category for benthic macroinvertebrates for NLA 2012 R|S|T tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS RT_NLA12_ZOOP Disturbance category for zooplankton for NLA 2012 R|S|T tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_BENT Benthic sample collected? Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_CORE Sediment core sampled? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ENTE Enterococci sample collected? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_MICR Microcystin sample collected? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_PHAB Physical habitat sampled? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_PHYT Phytoplankton sample collected? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_PROFILE Profile data collected? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_SDHG Sediment mercury collected? Y|N None tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ZOCN Coarse net zooplankton sample collected? Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ZOCR Coarse-mesh zooplankton sample collected (using NLA 2007 method) Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ZOFN Fine net zooplankton sample collected? Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ZOFR Fine-mesh zooplankton sample collected (using NLA 2007 method) Y|N tblEVALVISITS EVALVIS SAMPLED_ZOOP Zooplankton sample collected? Y|N None tblSITEDATA DESIGN AGGR_ECO3_2015 "NARS 3-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregating AGGR_ECO9_2015 reporting regions" EHIGH|PLNLOW|WMTNS tblSITEDATA DESIGN AGGR_ECO9_2015 "NARS 9-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions" CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER tblSITEDATA DESIGN AREA_HA Surface area of lake based on NHD polygon tblSITEDATA DESIGN BORD_LAKE State border lake = Yes; state non-border lake = No tblSITEDATA DESIGN CAT_UNIQUE Identifies the unique NLA survey design groups that require separate weight adjustments tblSITEDATA DESIGN CH0712_CAT Unequal probability category used in change analysis for 2007-2012 tblSITEDATA DESIGN CH0712_USE Include SITE_ID in change analysis for 2007-2012 Exclude|Include tblSITEDATA DESIGN CH0712_WGT Site weight for 2007-2012 change analysis tblSITEDATA DESIGN CNTYNAME County name tblSITEDATA DESIGN COMID2007 NHD COMID from NLA 2007 sample frame (primary) tblSITEDATA DESIGN COMID2012 NHD common identifier for NLA 2012 sampling frame tblSITEDATA DESIGN COMIDS2007 NHD COMIDs from NLA 2007 sample frame when multiple polygons from 2007 sample frame were combined for 2012 sample frame tblSITEDATA DESIGN DES_FTYPE NLA design feature type (based on NHD feature type) tblSITEDATA DESIGN DSGN12 Is lake included in the NLA 2012 integrated design? Included= included in NLA 2012 integrated National/State design; Excluded=Not included. These are hand-selected lakes and additional lakes selected in Oklahoma that will be sampled after 2012. tblSITEDATA DESIGN ELEVATION "Elevation at lake coordinates (LAT_DD_N83, LON_DD_N83) from NHD Digital Elevation Map layer" tblSITEDATA DESIGN EPA_REG EPA Region tblSITEDATA DESIGN FEOW_ID Freshwater Ecoregions of the World (2015) tblSITEDATA DESIGN FS_EW Eastern or western US Forest Service land tblSITEDATA DESIGN FW_ECO3 "Original NARS 3-level reporting region, based on aggregating WSA9 reporting regions: EHIGH=Eastern Highlands (NAP, SAP); PLNLOW=Plains and Lowlands (CPL, NPL, SPL, TPL, UMW); WMTNS=Western Mountains and Xeric (WMT, XER)." EHIGH|PLNLOW|WMTNS tblSITEDATA DESIGN FW_ECO9 "Original NARS 9-level reporting region, based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions: CPL=Coastal Plains; NAP=Northern Appalachians; NPL=Northern Plains; SAP=Southern Appalachians; SPL=Southern Plains; TPL=Temperate Plains; UMW=Upper Midwest; WMT=Western Mountains; XER=Xeric West." CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER tblSITEDATA DESIGN GNIS_ID Goegraphic Names Information System ID (from NHD) tblSITEDATA DESIGN GNIS_NAME USGS Geographic Names Information System name tblSITEDATA DESIGN HUC2 USGS Level 2 Hydrologic Unit Code where lake is located tblSITEDATA DESIGN HUC8 USGS Level 8 Hydrologic Unit Code where lake is located tblSITEDATA DESIGN LAT_DD83 "Latitude (based on NAD83 datum) assigned to lake during site selection from NHD-based sample frame. Generally, but not always, represents centriod of lake polygon in NHD." tblSITEDATA DESIGN LON_DD83 "Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) assigned to lake during site selection from NHD-based sample frame. Generally, but not always represents centriod of lake polygon in NHD." tblSITEDATA DESIGN MAJ_BASIN Major USGS Hydrologic Basins derived from NHDPlus tblSITEDATA DESIGN MDCATY "Categories used for unequal probability selection within a stratum. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN MISS_BASIN "Within Mississippi basin, yes or no" tblSITEDATA DESIGN NA_L1CODE CEC North American Level I ecoregion code tblSITEDATA DESIGN NA_L2CODE CEC North American Level II ecoregion code tblSITEDATA DESIGN NA_L3CODE CEC North American Level III ecoregion code tblSITEDATA DESIGN NARS_NAME Name assigned to lake for NLA. Based on LOC_NAME in tblVERIFICATION and GNIS_NAME in tblDESIGN tblSITEDATA DESIGN NES_LAKE Was lake included in the 1970s National Eutrophication Survey? tblSITEDATA DESIGN NESLAKE_ID NES Lake ID number tblSITEDATA DESIGN NESSTORET STORET ID number assigned to NES lake (from NLA 2007) tblSITEDATA DESIGN OWN_TYPE Federal Agency land ownership category based on most current spatial land records from federal agencies tblSITEDATA DESIGN OWNSHP Land ownership derived from USGS fedlands shapefile ( tblSITEDATA DESIGN PANEL "Design panel. Identified base and oversample list of sites for both national and state-specific designs. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN PERIM_KM NHD lake polygon perimeter (kilometers) tblSITEDATA DESIGN RCHCODE NHD Reach code assigned tblSITEDATA DESIGN SITEID_07 Site ID assigned in 2007 NLA tblSITEDATA DESIGN SITETYPE Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked) HAND|PROB tblSITEDATA DESIGN SIZE_CLASS Lake area class tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_DSGN "Is lake included in State-specific design? Included=Included in State-specific design; Excluded=Not included in State-specific design. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_MDCATY "Categories used for unequal probability selection within a stratum for NLA 2012 State-specific assessments. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_PANEL "Base and oversample design panels for state-specific designs. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_SITEID Site ID code assigned for use in state-specific assessments. It is equal to SITE_ID unless a State provided its own specific ID code tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_STRATUM "Design stratum for state-specific assessments. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_WGT_ALL Adjusted weight for site. To be used for State-specific population estimation tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_WGT_CAT "Categories used for unequal probability selection within a stratum for state-specific sampling frames. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN ST_WGT_DSGN "Initial weight assigned to State-specific sampling frames (MI, MN, OK, UT, and VT). " tblSITEDATA DESIGN STATE State lake is assigned to for sampling in NLA 2012 tblSITEDATA DESIGN STATE_NLA "State (if border lake, all states)" tblSITEDATA DESIGN STATE_PCNT Percent of lake area occurring in STATE. tblSITEDATA DESIGN STATECTY FIPS state and county code tblSITEDATA DESIGN STRATUM "Stratum use for survey design (national assessment). Needed for population estimates. For value definitions, see survey-specific design documentation." tblSITEDATA DESIGN URBAN Urban lake defined using WBDC 12 digit HUCs that intersect either US Census Urban Clusters or Urban Areas tblSITEDATA DESIGN US_L3CODE Original Omernik Level III ecoregion code tblSITEDATA DESIGN US_L3CODE_2015 Omernik Level III ecoregion code (2015) tblSITEDATA DESIGN US_L4CODE Original Omernik Level IV ecoregion code tblSITEDATA DESIGN US_L4CODE_2015 Omernik Level IV ecoregion code (2015) tblSITEDATA DESIGN WGT_ALL Adjusted weight for site. To be used for NLA national population estimation tblSITEDATA DESIGN WGT_CAT Categories used for unequal probability selection within a stratum tblSITEDATA DESIGN WGT_DSGN Initial site weight assigned during site selection. DO NOT USE FOR POPULATION ESTIMATION! tblSITEDATA DESIGN XCOORD x-coordinate from US Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection EXCEPT Hawaii sites which are calculated from Hawaii Albers Equal Area Conic projection tblSITEDATA DESIGN YCOORD "Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) assigned to lake during site selection from NHD-based sample frame. Generally, but not always represents centriod of lake polygon in NHD." tblSITEDATA EVAL AREACLS Lake Area Class (ha) developed for use in indicator evaluation. Note the categories are different from those used for design purposes (SIZE_CLASS) tblSITEDATA EVAL EVAL_NAME Name of Lake tblSITEDATA EVAL EVALSTAT "Status assigned based on lake evaluation guidelines: TargetSampleable= Lake can be accessed and sampled; TargetNotSampled= Lake is target, but was temporarily inaccessible to sampling in 2012; TargetOther= Lake is considered target, but cannot be sampled for reasons other than physical inaccessibility or lack of access permission; AccessDenied=No permission to access and sample lake; Inaccessible-Barrier/Safety=Lake cannot be accessed and/or sampled sue to hazardous conditions or physical barriers (including access by boat); Inaccessible-Effort=Lake is too remote to visit.; Nontarget-CoastalSaline=lake is maintained primarily by overland flow from an adjacent estuary or ocean; Nontarget-Ephemeral=Lake determined to be dry during the index period during all but extremely wet years; Nontarget-MapError=no lake present at coordinates (includes lakes that have permanently dried up); Nontarget-NoRecAquatUse=Lake constructed for special purpose (e.g., sewage lagoon, stock pond); Nontarget-NotLake=Lake is either riverine (< 7 d residence time) or fully developed wetland with no open water; Nontarget-Other=Lake is nontarget for other reasons; Nontarget-TooSmall+ Lake evaluated to be < 1 ha in surface area; NonTarget-TooShallow= Lake had maximum depth of < 1 m; NonTarget-Vegetated= Lake has < 1000 m2 of open water, but is not a fully developed wetland with no open water; NotNeeded- Over sample lake that was not needed to meet sample size requirements within a state" TargetSampleable|TargetNotSampled|TargetOther|AccessDenied|Inaccessible-Barrier/Safety|Inaccessible-Effort|Nontarget-CoastalSaline|Nontarget-Ephemeral|Nontarget-MapError|Nontarget-NoRecAquatUse|Nontarget-NotLake|Nontarget-Other|Nontarget-TooSmall|Nontarget-TooShallow|NonTarget-Vegetated|NotNeeded tblSITEDATA EVAL LAKE_ORIGIN "Lake origin based on codes used in NLA 2007:MAN-MADE=includes LAKE-ORIGIN12= MAN_MADE, MAN_MADE_AB, and RESERVOIR; NATURAL=includes LAKE_ORIGIN12=NATURAL and NATURAL_ENH; UNCERTAIN= Includes LAKE_ORIGIN12=UNCERTAIN" MAN-MADE|NATURAL|UNCERTAIN tblSITEDATA EVAL LAKE_ORIGIN12 "Lake origin as determined during the 2012 site evaluation process, or from the sampling visit: MAN_MADE=Impoundment created by humans with current use for purpose of water storage, wildlife/fishing, and recreation. Not used for active irrigation or power generation. Includes lakes that were historically used for other purposes (e.g. mining pit pond, mill pond) but currently not a ‘working” impoundment; MAN_MADE_AB=Lakes have been abandoned from their man-made function for many decades (or a century). These are still called man-made but function 'naturally'; NATURAL=Naturally occurring impoundment; NATURAL_ENH=Lake was originally a natural open water shallow lake that has been ‘enhanced’ with flow diversions to form larger/deeper lake to support recreational uses; RESERVOIR=Man-made impoundment for hydropower, flood control, and/or active irrigation storage; UNCERTAIN=Origin could not be determined from either site evaluation or sampling visit" MAN_MADE|MAN_MADE_AB|NATURAL|NATURAL_ENH|RESERVOIR|UNCERTAIN tblSITEDATA EVAL SITESAMP Did you sample this site (Y/N) Y|N tblSITEDATA EVAL STATUS "Site status based on EVALSTAT and codes used for 2007 NLA, for use in national-scale population estimates: Target_Sampled=TargetSampled; Target_Denied=AccessDenied; Target_Inacc=Inaccessible-Barrier/Safety or Inaccessible-Effort; Target_Other=TargetOther. Target lakes that wer not sampled.; Lake_LT_1 ha=Nontarget-TooSmall; Lake_Saline=Coastal_Saline; Lake_Shallow=Nontarget-TooShallow; Lake_Vegetated=Nontarget-Vegetated; Lake-Special_Purpose=Nontarget-NoRecAquatUse; Non_Target=Nontarget-Ephemeral or Nontarget-Other; Unknown=Lake was not evaluated or visited. Generally applicable to additional State-specific sites that can be included in the national assessment." Target_Sampled|Target_Denied|Target_Inacc|Target_Other|Lake_LT_1ha|Lake_Saline|Lake_Shallow|Lake_Vegetated|Lake-Special_Purpose|Non_Target|Unknown tblSITEDATA EVAL STATUS_ST "Site status based on EVALSTAT and codes used for 2007 NLA, for use in State-scale population estimates for MI, MN, OK, UT, and VT: Same code as STATUS_12, plus Lake_LT_4 ha= for MI and MN, lakes < 4 ha were not part of the target population for the State assessment.; Lake_LT_10_ha= For UT, lakes < 10 ha in FS Wilderness Areas were not part of the target population for the State assessment.; Lake_Tribal=For UT, lakes on Tribal land were not part of the target population for the State assessment" Target_Sampled|Target_Denied|Target_Inacc|Target_Other|Lake_LT_1ha|Lake_Saline|Lake_Shallow|Lake_Vegetated|Lake-Special_Purpose|Non_Target|Unknown|Lake_LT_4_ha|Lake_LT_10_ha|Lake_Tribal tblSITEDATA EVAL TNT "NLA target status assigned based on lake evaluation for use in national assessments. Target_Presumed= Assigned to lakes evaluated as target but were not sampled (e.g., access denials or physically inaccessible). Uncertain-Final target status cannot be determined because open water and depth criteria could not be evaluated. NotNeeded=Not needed for national level assessments (includes sites selected as part of individual state-level designs. Blank=represent errors or changes in design file, such as lakes selected > 1 time or lakes whose polygons have been combined with other lakes." Target|NonTarget|Target_Presumed|Uncertain|NotNeeded tblSITEDATA EVAL TNT_ST NLA target status assigned based on lake evaluation for use in State-specific assessments Same codes as for TNT tblSITEDATA EVALVIS RT_NLA12 NLA Reference Class Assignment: R=reference; S=intermediate; T=impacted R|S|T tblVERIFICATION VERIF DATE_COL Date of sample collection None tblVERIFICATION VERIF SITE_ID Identification code for site tblVERIFICATION VERIF VISIT_NO Sequential number of visit to site |1|2 UID Unique site visit ID ECO_BIO Bioregions PUBLICATION_DATE Publication Date