"COLUMN_NAME" "SAMPLE_TYPE" "UNITS" "LABEL" "FORMABBR" "VAR_TYPE" "RANGE_HIGH" "RANGE_LOW" "LEGAL_VALUES" "REFERENCE" "ABRUPT" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Lower horizon boundary is abrupt (= 2cm thick)" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|Y" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "ABSENT" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Absence of redoximorphic, organic, or mottle features" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|Y" "T. Magee - 2011 NWCA Raw Data Dictionary Version 3-04-2013.xlsx" "COMP_C" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Feature is composed of Carbon" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|CARBON" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "COMP_FE" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Feature is composed of Iron" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|IRON" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "COMP_MN" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Feature is composed of Manganese" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|MANGANESE" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "COMP_U" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Unable to specify compostion of feature" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|UNSPECIFIED" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "DATE_COL" "Date of primary site visit" "DEPTH" "SOIL_PROF" "cm" "Provides information on the location of a horizon in the soil profile and its thichness in cm. Horizon thickness = depth of lower horzion boundary - the depth of lower boundary of horizon above." "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "NUMERIC" 125 0 "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "HORIZON" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Horizon Number, consecutive numbers labeling horizons by increasing depth from the surface" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "Beginning with 1 consecutive numbers down to the deepest horizon. Seldom more than 9." "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "HORIZON_DPF" "SOIL_PROF" "percent" "Percent of horizon with Distinct or Prominent features (See NWCA-FOM for definition)" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "NUMERIC" 100 0 "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "LOAMY" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Horizon soil texture is loamy/clayey" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|Y" "T. Magee - 2011 NWCA Raw Data Dictionary Version 3-04-2013.xlsx" "MASKED_SAND" "SOIL_PROF" "percent" "Percent of horizon occupied by masked sand grains" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "NUMERIC" 100 0 "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MEF_CHROMA" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Chromaof the most evident redoximorphic features as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MEF_HUE" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Hue of the most evident redoximorphic features as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MEF_VALUE" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Value of the most evident redoximorphic features as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MOTORG_M" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Mottles" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|MOTTLES" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MOTORG_MS" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Masked sand grains" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|MASKED SAND GRAINS" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MOTORG_OB" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Organic bodies" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|ORGANIC BODIES" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "MOTORG_OF" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Other organic features" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|OTHER" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "ORGANIC" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Horizon soil texture is organic" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|P|M|MP|U" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "PUBLICATION_DATE" "Date the dataset was published to the NARS site" "REDOX_D" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Redox depletions" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|DEPLETIONS" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "REDOX_N" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Redox nodule" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|NODULES" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "REDOX_P" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Redox pore lining" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|PORE_LININGS" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "REDOX_S" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Redox soft mass" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|SOFT_MASSES" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "ROCK_FRAGMENTS" "SOIL_PROF" "percent" "Percent of horizon occupied by rock fragments > 2mm" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "NUMERIC" 100 0 "" "T. Magee - 2011 NWCA Raw Data Dictionary Version 3-04-2013.xlsx" "ROOTS" "SOIL_PROF" "percent" "Percent of horizon occupied by roots" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "NUMERIC" 100 0 "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "SAMPLE_TYPE" "Code identifying sample type" "SANDY" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Horizon soil texture is sandy" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "|Y" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "SITE_ID" "Identification code for site" "SITE_USE" "Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not" "SM_CHROMA" "SOIL_PROF" "" "soil Matrix Chroma as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "SM_HUE" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Soil Matrix Hue as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "SM_VALUE" "SOIL_PROF" "" "Soil Matrix Value as determined using a Munsell Soil Color Book" "NWCA_SOILPROF-FRONT" "CHARACTER" "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "STATE" "State abbreviation" "UID" "Unique identification number for a site visit" "VISIT_NO" "Visit number within the year"