"COLUMN_NAME" "SAMPLE_TYPE" "UNITS" "LABEL" "FORMABBR" "VAR_TYPE" "RANGE_HIGH" "RANGE_LOW" "LEGAL_VALUES" "REFERENCE" "CLASS_FIELD_FWSST" "US Fish and Wildlife Service Status and Trends wetland class assigned during field visit" "COLLECT_NO" "PLANT" "" "Collection number assigned to each plant specimen collected" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "NUMERIC" 50 1 "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "COVER" "PLANT" "" "Percent cover of plant species" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" 100 0.1 "" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "DATE_COL" "Date of primary site visit" "ECO_X_ST" "Combined NWCA_ECO4 and SANDT_FIELD_GRPS classes:CPL-PH=Coastal Plain Palustrine Herbaceaous,CPL-PW=Coastal Plain Palustrine Woody,E2EM=Estuarine Emergent,E2SS=Estuarine Shrub-scrub,EMU-PH=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Herbaceous,EMU-PW=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Woody,IPL-PH=Interior Plains Herbaceous,IPL-PW=Interior Plains Woody,W-PW=West Woody,W-PH=West Herbaceous" "HEIGHT" "PLANT" "" "Predominant height class for each species present across a Veg Plot" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "|1|2|3|4|5|6|E" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "LINE" "Line number on field form" "NE" "PLANT" "" "For each species present, the smallest scale at which it is first observed: 1-m2 or 10-m2 quadrat in the NE corner or in the larger Veg Plot" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "|S|M|L" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "NWCA_ECO4" "Aggregated ecoregions based on FW_ECO9 regions:CPL=Coastal Plain,EMU=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest,IPL=Interior Plains,W=West" "PAGE" "Page number of field form for specific data type" "PLOT" "Sampling plot" "SITE_ID" "Identification code for site" "SITE_USE" "Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not" "SPECIES" "PLANT" "" "Scientific name for each species encountered in the Veg plot, or if an unknown the pseudonym for the species" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "SPECIES_NAME_ID" "PLANT" "" "Number identifying a each specific plant taxon" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "T. Magee - 2011 NWCA Raw Data Dictionary Version 3-04-2013.xlsx" "STATE" "State abbreviation" "SW" "PLANT" "" "For each species present, the smallest scale at which it is first observed: 1-m2 or 10-m2 quadrat in the SW corner or in the larger Veg Plot" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "|S|M|L" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "TYPE" "PLANT" "" "If species is collected, the collection type" "NWCA_VASCULAR" "CHARACTER" "|UNK|QA" "T. Magee - Draft NWCA Data Dictionary Ver 3 1-12-2012 unp.xlsx" "UID" "Unique identification number for a site visit" "VISIT_NO" "Visit number within the year"