Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

Ecovative, US EPA SBIR Award Recipient: Innovation with Mushroom Insulation

Ecovative Mushroom Insulation May 2014 - US EPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award recipient Ecovative, was recently highlighted for its work using mushroom roots, mycelium, to create insulation for buildings. Architecture Design praises former Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students, Eben Bayer and Gavin McIntyre, for their innovative design using mushrooms to create a water-resistant, flame-retardant,  compostable, heat-trapping insulation that has proven to be as strong as concrete, by weight.

Originally funded by EPA for their insulation technology, Greensulate, in 2009, Ecovative was then awarded Phase II funding in 2010 for research to help take their product to commercialization. Today Ecovative is gearing up to take on other construction materials within the next one to two years. Architecture Design points out other sustainable products that are now more commonplace including rainwater tanks, solar panels and potentially bales of straw used for building houses. Is Ecovative developing the new sustainable technology that could be the future of building materials?

The U.S. EPA SBIR program currently funds up to $100,000 for Phase I proposals and $300,000, if selected for Phase II for continued development and research that could lead to the commercialization of the technology.

For more information about Ecovative: Ecovative Design Exit
To learn more about US EPA SBIR Program: EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
For the full article visit: Mushrooms emerging in construction realm as insulation Exit