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FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel Meetings


Historical Meetings

Meeting materials prior to 2012 are available on the Historical Meeting page. If you need assistance with accessing historical meeting materials, please contact Don Wood (wood.donald@epa.gov). 

The table below contains Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) meeting materials from 2012 to present.

Available meeting materials are the agenda for the meeting, a list of the panel members with biographical information, and meeting minutes transcribed from the proceedings.

To access the materials from a meeting, select the meeting materials of interest.     

Meetings Table

Sort alphabetically or by year by using the column headings. Find a meeting by using the search function, or use both features together. Delete your search criteria to clear the filter from the table.

Year Date Topic Meeting Materials Docket Number
2016 December 13-16 Carcinogenic Potential of Glyphosate  Charge to the Panel
Issue Paper
Panel Members
2016 September 27-28 Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments for SmartStax PRO Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2016 April 19-21 Chlorpyrifos: Analysis of Biomonitoring Data Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2015 September 15-17 Development of a Spatial Aquatic Model (SAM) for Pesticide Risk Assessment Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2015 May 19-21 Research to Evaluate the Potential for Juvenile Sensitivity to Pyrethroids Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2014 December 2-5 Endocrine Activity and Exposure-based Prioritization and Screening Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2014 July 29-August 1 New High Throughput Methods to Estimate Chemical Exposure Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2014 January 28 RNAi Technology as a Pesticide: Problem Formulation for Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 December 4-6 Scientific Uncertainties with Corn Rootworm Resistance Monitoring for Bt corn Plant Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 July 30-August 2 Weight-of-Evidence: Evaluating Results of EDSP Tier 1 Screening Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 June 25-28 Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) Tier 2 Ecotoxicity Tests Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 May 21-23 Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) Tier 1 Screening Assays and Battery Performance Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 March 19-21 Scientific Issues Concerning the Draft Product Performance Data Needs Assessment for Products Claiming Efficacy Against Invertebrate Pests Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2013 January 29-31 Scientific Issues Associated with Prioritizing the Universe of Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) Chemicals Using Computational Toxicology Tools Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2012 September 11-14 Pollinator Risk Assessment Framework Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2012 June 12-14 Problem Formulation for the Reassessment of Ecological Risks from the Use of Atrazine Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2012 April 10-12 Scientific Issues Concerning Health Effects of Chlorpyrifos Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2012 March 6-7 Methods for Efficacy Testing of Bed Bug Pesticide Products Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
2012 January 31-February 2 Common Effects Assessment Methodology Developed in the Office of Pesticide Programs and Office of Water Agenda
Panel Members
Meeting Minutes
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