Renewable Fuel Standard Program

How to submit a complete petition for an approved pathway under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program

This page provides detailed guidance to help you successfully prepare and submit a petition for a new fuel pathway under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program.

Before preparing a petition

Review and use the following information provided on this website:

  1. Should I submit a new pathway petition?
  2. Petition review process
  3. Pathway Screening Tool

Preparing a complete petition


Detailed information

PDF document that provides detailed information on how to prepare a complete petition for a new fuel pathway under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program


Data submission template

Excel spreadsheet that can be used to provide some (not all) information needed for a complete petition

Submitting a petition

Petitions may be submitted via EPA's secure online portal, the CDX DCFUEL reporting system, which provides an encrypted delivery method designed to handle confidential business information. To use this option, the petitioner must have a CDX account. Petitioners may also choose to submit their petition to EPA via email.