Scheduling Agency Electronic Information Systems as Required by Section 207(e) of the E-Government Act of 2002 (Chief Information Officer Memo), March 2008
DATE: March 13, 2008
SUBJECT: Scheduling Agency Electronic Information Systems as Required by Section 207(e) of the E-Government Act of 2002
FROM: Molly A. O'Neill /s/
Assistant Administrator and Chief Information Officer
TO: Senior Information Officials
Information Management Officials
We need your assistance to ensure that the Agency complies with Section 207(e) of the E-Government Act of 2002 and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) guidance for implementing the requirements.
Pursuant to Section 207(e) of the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. 3601), NARA issued Bulletin 2006-02 found at detailing guidance for improving the management of electronic records by federal agencies. The Bulletin outlines the following agency responsibilities and requirements:
(1) Ongoing Responsibility: Identify and schedule all electronic records and transfer permanent electronic records to NARA.
EPA currently has 36 electronic information systems1 scheduled as permanent. A list of these systems can be found on the National Records Management Program (NRMP) Intranet site at: Intranet.
The systems are listed by program office or region. Each organization is linked to a list of its scheduled systems with a "Due for Transfer to NARA" status. If transfers have not been made according to the instructions in the records schedule, please work with your Headquarters Program, Region or Laboratory/Field Office Records Liaison Officer (RLO), to transfer a copy of the system to the National Archives no later than March 31, 2008, and make future transfers according to the instructions in the schedule. Guidance on the transfer process can be found in "Preparing Electronic Records for Transfer to the National Archives" Intranet.
(2) Responsibility for Existing Electronic Systems: Schedule existing electronic information systems by September 30, 2009.
The NRMP identified 228 EPA electronic information systems that may need to be scheduled by September 30, 2009, based on information in EPA's Registry of EPA Applications and Databases (READ) and systems identified through the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process. To begin the scheduling process, we are coordinating with the E-Discovery Team to collect information about the systems as part of their Agency-wide survey. The NRMP will use the E-Discovery Survey results to draft records schedules, when required, and will contact the Information Management Official (IMO), RLO and system managers in your organizations, as appropriate, to complete the scheduling process.
(3) Responsibility for New Electronic Information Systems: Incorporate records management and archival functions into the design, development, and implementation of new information systems.
OMB Circular A-130, par. 8a(1)(k), found at: requires agencies to incorporate records management and archival functions into the design, development, and implementation of information systems. NARA regulations [36 CFR 1236.10] require agencies to establish procedures for addressing records management requirements, including recordkeeping and disposition requirements, for new systems or enhancements to existing systems. As an on-going requirement, system managers should work with their IMO and RLO to ensure records management requirements are included throughout the system's lifecycle.
Thank you for your assistance and attention to these important records management requirements. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact John B. Ellis, Agency Records Officer, 202-566-1643.
cc: Records Liaison Officers
1Electronic Information System means a system that contains and provides access to computerized federal records and other information (36 CFR 1236.2). The system is the organized collection, processing, transmission and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures. The system includes the inputs and outputs that are generated, as well as the master files. The system may contain budgetary, fiscal, social, economic, scientific-technical or program-related data and information, operated in support of agency programs and management responsibilities. Examples of electronic information systems at EPA include: Audit Tracking System, ADP Budget Planning System, and Contract Payment System.