R293 PRIA Fee Category

PRIA 3 Fee Determination Decision Tree:

Conventional Active Ingredient - Establish Tolerance - Crop Residues

Below is the fee for your selected Fee Category for Fiscal Years 2016/2017

Action Code Description FY16/17 Fee Decision Time (months)
R293 Establish tolerance(s) for inadvertent residues in one crop; applicant-initiated $ 53,483 12

Do you plan to request either of the following types of waivers?

Waiver Pay Amount
50% waiver You pay ---->>>>> $ 26,742
75% waiver You pay ---->>>>> $ 13,371

To pay the fee shown above, go to Paying PRIA Application Fees web page and follow the instructions.

How to submit your application directly to EPA.

Action Code Interpretation

A petition that proposes to establish tolerances for each non-target crop resulting in inadvertent residues. The active ingredient is currently contained in a pesticide product registered in the U.S. The fee to establish tolerances for each crop will be multiplied by the number of crops in the petition (i.e. 5 crops, the fee will be multiplied 5 times the fee for this category). If a crop group or subgroup is requested, the fee is based on the number of representative crops in that group or subgroup that are not currently registered. If all of the representative crops have been registered, then requesting the crop group will count as one additional use.

Go to the start of the Decision Tree