B621 PRIA Fee Category

PRIA 3 Fee Determination Decision Tree:

Biopesticide Biochemical/Microbial Experimental Use Permit

Below is the fee for your selected Fee Category for Fiscal Years 2016/2017

Action Code Description FY16/17 Fee Decision Time (months)
B621 Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; no change to an established temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption. $ 5,107 7

Do you plan to request either of the following types of waivers?

Waiver Pay Amount
50% waiver You pay ---->>>>> $ 2,554
75% waiver You pay ---->>>>> $ 1,277

To pay the fee shown above, go to Paying PRIA Application Fees web page and follow the instructions.

How to submit your application directly to EPA.

Action Code Interpretation

An application to amend an existing Experimental Use Permit for a microbial or biochemical pesticide. Amendments could include but are not limited to changing the uses, use sites, and/or acreage tested, and/or extending the length of time for completion of the experimental program. If a tolerance or tolerance exemption needs to be amended in connection with this action, you must add the cost of a petition (see B631 or B641, below, as appropriate).

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