Restoring Presque Isle Bay AOC (timeline)

Year Critical Actions

Presque Isle Bay is delisted from the Great Lakes Areas of Concern. 


Stage III of the RAP is completed--one of the final steps in delisting an AOC.

While the rate of external growths remains a problem throughout Lake Erie, the rates of fish liver tumors in the bay has declined to the point where they are the same as the least impacted reference site in the Lake. For this reason, the fish tumor impairment is removed.

The remaining beneficial use impairment is removed.

  • Fish tumors and other deformities

A sediment analysis report is completed which evaluates the contaminated sediment in terms of ecological health and human health risks. The study took place between 2006 and 2009.


The first beneficial use impairment is removed after studies reflect that bay sediments contain low levels of PAHs and fewer heavy metals.

  • Restrictions on dredging
2004-2007 Samples are collected at four locations near the AOC to determine if the incidence of fish tumors, both internal and external, had decreased. Results indicate a decline in tumors.

The AOC is designated to be in “recovery stage” after determining that there are sufficient improvements in the local fish population and natural sediment.

An update to the Remedial Action Plan is published.


An update to the Remedial Action Plan is completed, which details progress made since 1992.


The first stage of the Remedial Action Plan is published.

1991 Presque Isle Bay is listed as an Area of Concern.