Additional Near-Port Community Resources

The following table contains resources on additional subjects that may be of interest to near-port communities, including community engagement, collaborative problem-solving, land use and equitable development.  Additional resources that pertain directly to port operations and impacts can be found in the Ports Primer for Communities.

Resource Description Available online at:
CARE Roadmap: A 10-Step Plan to Improve Community Environment and Health (EPA)
A tool to help communities identify, prioritize, and address environmental health risks.
CARE Roadmap:  A 10-Step Plan to Improve Community Envrionment and Health
Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart
Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development (EPA)
Principles and approaches for promoting equitable, sustainable development.
Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight Step Guide (Prevention Institute)

A step-by-step guide to coalition-building.

Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model (EPA)
A handbook explaining how to use the Collaborative Problem-Solving to address environmental issues in distressed communities.
Environmental Justice: Key Resources for Building a Community of Practice for Local Use Planning (EPA)
Resources to inform the land use planning process, promote a collaborative decision-making process
and support environmental justice. (26 pp, 1 MB, November 2014, EPA 231-F-14-003, About PDF)
Equitable Development Toolkit (PolicyLink)
Tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote
equitable revitalization. Exit
Local Government Advisory Committee’s EJ Best Practices for Local Government (EPA)
  /sites/production/files/2015-10/documents/2015_best_practices_for_local_government.pdf (46 pp, 8 MB, About PDF)
Public Participation Spectrum (International Association of Public Participation)
A framework for setting expectations and understanding the impact of various types of public participation. Exit