PM NAAQS Implementation Training and Assistance for State and Local Air Agencies
PowerPoint Presentations and Recordings
- Webinar Slides - PM 2.5 Precursor Demonstration Guidance - December 19, 2016
- Webinar Recording - PM 2.5 Precursor Demonstration Guidance - December 19, 2016
- Webinar Slides - PM2.5 NAAQS: Final SIP Requirements Rule - August 16, 2016
- Webinar Recording - PM2.5 NAAQS: Final SIP Requirements Rule - August 16, 2016
- Overview of NAAQS Development and Implementation, 2014 Presentation: Learn about the standards review process, rules for implementing the current standard including anti-backsliding, state implementation plan (SIP) requirements, and current air quality and monitoring information.
- Implementation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS): Opportunities for Public Participation, 2014 Presentation (PDF)(24 pp, 2300 K, About PDF): Attaining the NAAQS benefits public health, ecosystems, and climate. EPA encourages citizen involvement and public comment on air programs, SIP elements, and local emissions reduction measures.
Other Assistance
- Advance Program Webinars and Training: Advance promotes local actions to reduce PM precursors in attainment areas to help them continue to maintain the PM NAAQS. It encourages states, tribes, and local governments to take proactive steps to keep their air clean.
- Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI-Learn): state and local air professionals can find free courses and training on topics such as pollution control strategies, air monitoring and data analysis, emissions inventory, and permitting; and earn certificates.