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Guidance on Criteria for Extension of Exclusive Data Use and Minor Use Designation

For Release: November 28, 2016

EPA has added a document to our website to assist registrants with applying for an extension of the exclusive data use period*. This guidance is intended to help pesticide registrants or applicants for registration by clarifying the criteria for a minor use to qualify for the extension. The guidance answers questions that a registrant may have during the application process.

*FIFRA authorizes a period of time (similar to a patent) after registration of a new pesticide active ingredient, or new us of a registered product, during which only the registrant who developed the data may use it to support additional registrations.

This guidance augments information available on the Web page for minor uses and grower resources and in the 2014 guidance “Exclusive Use Data Protection for Minor Use Registration: Questions and Answers.” 

View the two guidance documents.