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Pesticide Worker Safety

Worker Protection Standard Train-the-Trainer Programs, Approval Process and Criteria

EPA's revised Worker Protection Standard (WPS) requires persons who conduct pesticide safety training for farmworkers (people involved in the production of agricultural plants) and pesticide handlers (people who mix, load, or apply crop pesticides) to meet certain qualifications. One way to qualify as a WPS pesticide safety trainer is to complete an EPA-approved train-the-trainer program. Only EPA approved train-the-trainer materials may be used after January 1, 2017.

EPA has prepared guidance to facilitate the development of train-the-trainer programs that meet EPA requirements. The guidance includes:
  1. Instructions for requesting EPA's approval of a train-the-trainer program and format for submitting proposed material used to train the trainers.
  2. Minimum requirements for a train-the-trainer program including training content and requirements for how to conduct the training.
  3. Specific instructions to better prepare trainers to conduct pesticide safety training.
  4. An overview of how EPA will review and track the approval of train-the-trainer programs.
The revised WPS ensures that pesticide safety training is effective and accessible for our nation’s farmworkers by:
  • requiring training in a manner that workers and handlers can understand;
  • requiring the employer to ensure that handlers understand relevant portions of the labeling before handling a pesticide;
  • expanding training to provide information on seeking medical care in the event of a pesticide exposure; and
  • highlighting the anti-retaliation provisions of the WPS. 
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