DEEM-FCID/Calendex Software Installer

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The EPA originally made the Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model - Food Commodity Intake Database (DEEM-FCID)/Calendex freely available to the public in June 2012. The public availability of this model helps increase transparency of regulatory decisions.

The DEEM-Calendex Release History and Errata Sheet document, which provides information on corrections that we have made to the most recent versions of DEEM-FCID/Calendex. We have also updated the DEEM Quick Guide User's Manual. This manual provides a brief overview of the DEEM software and an instructional guide for using it.

The DEEM/FCID version released in June 2012 (Version 3.16) was updated in March of 2013 to Version 3.18, which was based on 2003-2008 NHANES/WWEIA food consumption data. On September 30, 2014 EPA released a beta version of DEEM-FCID(Version 4.02)/Calendex(Version 10) for public evaluation and review. Version 4.02 was based on updated NHANES/WWEIA food consumption survey data, i.e., the 2005-2010 data.

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Exposure Models: DEEM-FCID/Calendex/SHEDS


DEEM-FCID/Calendex software incorporates food consumption data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey/“What We Eat in America” (NHANES/WWEIA) dietary survey. The DEEM-FCID component of DEEM-FCID/Calendex can be used to estimate dietary intake of any component of food or water including toxicants, pesticides, and natural constituents to perform acute and chronic dietary exposure assessments. 

The Agency uses the DEEM-FCID component to conduct dietary risk assessments to support the establishment of tolerances for residues of pesticides  in/on raw agricultural and processed commodities. It also allows the Agency to look at exposures at each eating occasion rather than grouping the entire day's food and drink intake at once. The Agency can thus conduct more refined risk assessments that will help inform regulatory decisions for pesticides.


The Calendex component of DEEM-FCID/Calendex employs a calendar-based approach to evaluating multi-pathway exposures. DEEM-FCID/Calendex can evaluate exposure to chemicals resulting from residues in food or drinking water as well as residues in or around the residence. Calendex uses a probabilistic-based (Monte Carlo) approach to evaluate the distribution of exposures in a way that appropriately combines exposure pathways. The updated version of Calendex will introduce a new feature referred to as a “bucket” summary report, which is a report of all daily or weekly sliding exposure analyses that are made in a single run.


As an additional effort to increase the transparency and public availability of dietary exposure software, the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) at the University of Maryland posted on their website the consumption, recipe, and associated demographic data files used by DEEM-FCID/Calendex.  The information is on the website’s Food Commodity Intake Database – What We Eat in America Exit web page.  The posting of this information to the webpage was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

JIFSAN has developed several online applications to ease the process by which information from the raw data files can be accessed and interpreted by the general public, including:

  • A consumption calculatorExit that considerably simplifies the use of the data for routine food and food commodity consumption queries.
  • An FAQ list Exit that describes the data and information available on the JIFSAN website as well as the history of, sources for, and background behind EPA’s development of FCID for dietary exposure assessment purposes.

SHEDS Multimedia Model

As a followup to the July 2010 Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) meeting in which the SAP reviewed the SHEDS (Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulator)-Multimedia Model Version 3, EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) released Version 4 of the SHEDS-Multimedia Model on its website in June 2012. SHEDS-Multimedia is a physically-based probabilistic model that can simulate cumulative (multiple chemicals) or aggregate (single chemical) exposures over time for a population via residential and dietary routes of exposure. SHEDS uses NHANES/WWEIA 2003-2006 data. 

As with DEEM-FCID/Calendex, the SHEDS Model produces a distribution of estimated exposures for use in exposure and risk assessment, but has more advanced capabilities with respect to analysis and output. SHEDS-Multimedia materials (including residential and dietary module codes, graphical user interfaces, technical manuals, user guides, related publications and presentations, and external peer review information) can be accessed via ORD's SHEDS-Multimedia web page.

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