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Pesticide Registration

Pesticide Registration Manual: How to Obtain a Company Number and Register an Official Address

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What is a company number?

A “company number” is a unique identifier assigned to a company that wishes to register a pesticide (e.g. herbicide, rodenticide, or antimicrobial) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These companies are commonly called registrants.

A "company number" is also required for a company that plans to “produce” pesticides or devises.  Such production requires the company to obtain a “Pesticide-Producing or Device-Producing Establishment Number”.


Registrants must obtain a company number prior to registering their first product with the Agency. For subsequent products or amendment to existing registrations, the registrant must refer to this company number. (Note: registrants who plan to produce their own products will also need to obtain an “establishment number”).

Registrants or others who plan to “produce” pesticides or devices must obtain the company number first and then submit EPA Form 3540-8 (Application for Registering a Pesticide , Device, or Active Ingredient Establishment Number) to the Regional office where their company Headquarters office is located to obtain the establishment number. For foreign establishments, the Form should be submitted to EPA’s DC office. The Form can be obtained at Pesticide Establishment Registration and Reporting. The Instructions for completing the Form (also found at this web site) contain the current list of Regional and Headquarter contacts to whom the Form should be mailed.

How to request a company number

The registrant must submit a signed letter on company letterhead to request for a company number and establish an official address with EPA. EPA will direct all future correspondence to the official address. The registrant must keep this official address record up-to-date (see Section 3 below).

Foreign registrants must designate a U.S. agent to receive correspondence and represent the registrant in matters concerning their application. U.S. registrants may also designate an agent. (Section 2 below outlines the information needed for companies using designated agents). The letter must include a statement authorizing the agent to act in all matters concerning the registration of your product with EPA. It must also include a statement acknowledging that all official correspondence from EPA will be directed to the agent.

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  1. Information for U.S Companies (no agent designated)

    • Company Name: (formal name of the company)

    • Contact Name: (name of the employee designated to interact with EPA)

    • Contact Phone Number: (area code and phone number)

    • Contact eMail Address:

    • Official Mailing Address:
      for example: 123 Street Name
      Anywhere, State
      Zip: #####
  2. Information for All Foreign Companies and U.S. Companies with a Designated Agent

    • Company Name: (formal name of the company)

    • Company Address:
      for example: 123 Street Name
      Anywhere, State
      Zip: #####
      Country (if non-U.S)

    • Company Phone Number: (phone number, include country code if non-U.S.)

    • Agent Name: (formal name of the designated agent)

    • Contact Name: (name of the Agent’s employee authorized to interact with EPA)

    • Contact Phone Number: (area code and phone number)

    • Contact eMail Address:

    • Agent Mailing Address:
      for example: 123 Street Address
      Anywhere, State
      Zip: #####

Submit the request by one of the following methods:

By E-Mail:
To newcompnumreq@epa.gov with the signed letter on company letterhead (including the appropriate information mentioned above) as an attachment.

By Regular Mail:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Document Processing Desk (NEWCO)
Office of Pesticide Programs, Mail Code 7504P
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington DC 20460-0001

By Personal (hand)/Courier Service/Overnight Delivery (Fed Ex, UPS, etc):
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Document Processing Desk (NEWCO)
Office of Pesticide Programs
Room S4900, One Potomac Yard
2777 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202

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