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Pesticide Registration

Antimicrobial Products Registered for Disinfection Use against Avian Influenza on Poultry Farms and Other Facilities

Poultry farmers in the United States have reported recent outbreaks of birds infected with Asian Avian Influenza A, also called highly pathogenic avian influenza or HPAI , (H5N2), (H5N8), and (H5N1) viruses. These Asian-origin, highly pathogenic viruses occur mainly in birds and are especially deadly for poultry. The 2014 outbreak includes the first reported infections in the United States for wild or domestic birds. Current information on the H5N2 strain of the virus, which has been reported in Asia and Europe, as well as detailed questions and answers about avian influenza, are available on the United States Department of Agriculture’s website .

Infections with these viruses can occur in humans but the risk from Avian Influenza A is generally low. Most human infections from Avian Influenza viruses including HPAIs, have occurred after prolonged exposure to infected birds. Read CDC’s recommendations for the public.

EPA registers pesticide products, including disinfectants against Avian Influenza A. Currently, approximately 200 disinfectant products are registered and intended for use against avian influenza A viruses on hard, non-porous surfaces. These products are typically used by the poultry industry to disinfect their facilities. The label will indicate that the product is effective against "Avian Influenza A" and specifies the sites (e.g., poultry houses and farm premises) for application of the product to kill or inactivate the Avian Influenza virus.

Although there are no antimicrobial products registered specifically against the H5N2 subtype of Avian Influenza A virus, EPA believes based on available scientific information that registered Avian Influenza A products will be effective against the H5N2 strain and other HPAI strains.

Users should carefully follow the disinfection directions on the label to handle and safely use the pesticide product and avoid harm to human health and the environment.

For more information on how EPA regulates pesticide products, including disinfectants, see Registering Pesticides.

Pesticide Products for Avian Influenza

Registered Antimicrobial Products with Label Claims for Avian Influenza

These EPA disinfectant products are registered and labeled with a claim to inactivate Avian influenza A viruses on hard, non-porous surfaces. The label specifies the use sites (e.g., poultry houses and farm premises) for application of the product. Although there are no antimicrobial products registered specifically against the H5N2 subtype of Avian Influenza A virus, EPA believes based on available scientific information that registered Avian Influenza A products will be effective against the H5N2 strain and other strains.

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