Label Review Training: Module 3: Special Issues, Page 43

Module 3 Quiz

  1. What is the purpose of precautionary statements?
    a. To provide pesticide users with information regarding the toxicity, irritation, and sensitization hazards associated with the use of a pesticide, as well as application instructions and information to reduce exposure potential.
    b. To describe how a pesticide product can legally be used and how the product must not be used.
    c. To limit liability of the registrant or act as disclaimers or warranties for the product.
    d. None of the above.
  2. Which of the following is not a type of precautionary statement?
    a. Hazards to humans domestic animals statement.
    b. Environmental hazards statement.
    c. Storage and disposal statement.
    d. First aid statement.
  3. What is the primary tool for determining many precautionary statements?
    a. Directions for use.
    b. Acute toxicity data.
    c. The registration standard.
    d. The Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
  4. Which chapters of the Label Review Manual provide guidance for determining precautionary statements?
    a. Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
    b. Chapters 5, 6, and 7.
    c. Chapters 7, 8, and 9.
    d. Chapters 11, 12, and 13.
  5. Directions for use do not include the following:
    a. The site(s) where a product can be used.
    b. Language intended to limit liability of the registrant.
    c. How much pesticide can be applied and the rate of application.
    d. Pre–harvest intervals.
  6. What misuse statement must appear in the directions for use section on all registered pesticides and experimental use permits?
    a. It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
    b. Use of this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling is not recommended.
    c. Only authorized personnel may handle or apply this product.
    d. The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damage caused as a result of using or misusing this product.
  7. Which of the following is a resource for determining directions for use language?
    a. Reregistration eligibility decision (RED) documents.
    b. Pesticide registration (PR) notices.
    c. Subject matter experts.
    d. All of the above.
  8. Which of the following formats can make directions for use easy to read and understand?
    a. Long paragraphs that mix mandatory and advisory statements.
    b. Bulleted lists, tables, and subheadings.
    c. Both of the above.
    d. Neither of the above.
  9. The Worker Protection Standard...
    a. ...establishes standards and labeling requirements for worker protection.
    b. ...protects EPA employees from lawsuits related to pesticide application.
    c. especially relevant to residential-use pesticide products.
    d. All of the above.
  10. Which of the following use sites is subject to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)?
    a. Mosquito abatement, Mediterranean fruit fly eradication, or similar area-wide public pest control programs sponsored by governmental entities.
    b. Use on livestock or other animals, or in or around animal premises.
    c. Use as attractants or repellents in traps.
    d. None of the above.
  11. Products subject to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) can include four types of worker protection statements, which appear...
    a. the storage and disposal section, within or around the worker protection box.
    b. the directions for use section, within or around the agricultural use requirements box.
    c. the storage and disposal section, within or around an agricultural use requirements box.
    d. the directions for use section, within or around the worker protection box.
  12. A restricted entry interval is...
    a. ...the limitations placed on who may enter a pesticide-treated area in order to protect civilians from potential exposure to hazardous levels of pesticide residues.
    b. ...the minimum number of days a grower must wait before harvesting a treated crop.
    c. ...the period of time after an area is treated with a pesticide during which entry into that area is restricted in order to protect people from potential exposure to hazardous levels of pesticide residues.
    d. ...the maximum number of days a grower may wait before harvesting a treated crop.
  13. An ingredient that will prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest, or that functions as a plant regulator, desiccant, or defoliant, is known as a pesticide's...
    a. Inert ingredient.
    b. Other ingredient.
    c. Active ingredient.
    d. Primary ingredient.
  14. Warranty statements should...
    a. ...assert that the buyer has accepted the manufacturer's statement of his/her rights.
    b. ...negate directions for use.
    c. ...imply that the buyer has no legal right to recover damages from the manufacturer.
    d. None of the above.
  15. Which of the following claims are unacceptable?
    a. Trusted.
    b. Safe.
    c. Nonpoisonous.
    d. All of the above.

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