Label Review Training: Module 3: Special Issues, Page 31

Section 7: What other label areas require special attention?

Resources for Determining Storage and Disposal Statement Language

When reviewing labels to determine whether the storage and disposal statements used are appropriate, refer to the information presented in this chapter along with Pesticide Registration (PR) Notices 83-3, 84-1, 84-5, 94-2, 2007-1, and 2007-4 and the regulations at 40 CFR 156.10(i)(2)(ix), 156.140, 156.144, 156.146, 156.156, and 156.159.

If a reregistration eligibility decision (RED) document exists, or if a registration review decision has been made for the active ingredient(s) in the product for which labeling language is being reviewed, these decision documents may provide additional guidance.

In addition, chemical-specific storage and disposal statements have been provided by EPA for certain pesticides, as stated in Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 84-1 (and an errata sheet dated April 12, 1984), and in PR Notice 84-5.


To determine storage and disposal statements see PR Notices 83-3, 84-1, 84-5, 94-2, 2007-1, and 2007-4, 40 CFR 156.10(i)(2)(ix), 156.140, 156.144, 156.146, 156.156, and 156.159, PR Notice 84-1 and 84-5, and Chapter 13, Section IV.C of the Label Review Manual.

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