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Design for the Environment Biopesticide Pilot Project

We have expanded the Design for the Environment (DfE) Pesticide Pilot to include biopesticide products and extended the pilot until May 3, 2017. This Web page will help you understand and get involved in the DfE pesticide pilot program for biopesticides as well as find products that are approved to use the logo on the label.

On this page:

How to Participate in the Pesticide DfE Program

Pesticide registrants wishing to take part in this program should follow the instructions to apply for the DfE Logo on pesticide labels.

As part of the application package specified in the instructions, you will need to submit a certification.

What the DfE Logo Means on Biopesticide Product Labels

By their very nature, most pesticides have the potential to pose some risk to human health or the environment, particularly if the label instructions are not followed precisely. Because of this, we cannot say that any pesticide is safe under all circumstances. However, products that carry the DfE logo:DfE Logo

  • are in the least-hazardous classes (i.e. III and IV) of EPA’s acute toxicity category hierarchy;
  • are unlikely to have carcinogenic or endocrine disruptor properties;
  • are unlikely to cause developmental, reproductive, mutagenic, or neurotoxicity issues;
  • contain mixtures that have been reviewed and accepted by EPA, including inert ingredients;
  • have no unresolved or unreasonable adverse effects reported;
  • have no unresolved compliance or enforcement actions associated with it; and
  • have the identical formulation as the one identified in the DfE application reviewed by EPA.

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Authorized Use of the DfE Logo

Biopesticides that meet the requirements for including the DfE logo on the product label are only authorized to display the logo. No other claims, terms, words, or images implying safety are allowed unless we expressly authorize them. If you see a pesticide product that appears not to comply with this authorized use, please contact EPA’s Regional Office in your area to report potentially illegal products.

List of Authorized DfE Products

Once products are approved by EPA under this pilot, the biopesticide products that we have certified as qualifying for inclusion of the DfE logo on the label will be added to this Web page.

Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement by EPA.

Pesticide products are often marketed under more than one name. Use the EPA Registration Number rather than the product name to check on the approval status of a product. If the EPA Registration Number has three parts (xxx-xxx-xxx), use only the first two parts, as the last part indicates the "distributor" of the product, not the main registrant.

Ingredients Approved for Use in Products for DfE Pesticide Pilot

No biopesticide active ingredients have been screened yet by EPA to identify those active ingredients acceptable for use in DfE-labeled products. They will be listed here as they are approved.

Products composed of one or more of these active ingredients may be considered for the DfE logo.

If you have an active ingredient that you would like to be considered for the DfE logo, please contact David DiFiore (difiore.david@epa.gov) or 202-564-8796.

Note: The product and inert ingredients in the formulation must meet "DfE Safer Choice Standard."

EPA Asks for Public Input on How This Pilot Project Can be Improved

We intend to accept comments on the Design for the Environment Biopesticide Pesticide Pilot Project during the duration of the project. If you have comments or suggestions about the project or how it might be improved, please contact Raderrio Wilkins (wilkins.raderrio@epa.gov).

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