How to Apply for Applicator Certification under the EPA Plan

If you are a private or commercial applicator with a current and valid state, tribal or federal certification or license who wishes to apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) in Indian country:

  • You must submit a complete application form and a photocopy of both sides of your current and valid state, tribal or federal certification or license to the EPA regional office where you intend to apply RUPs. EPA is basing the federal certification on the existence of a state, tribe, or federal agency license or certificate that makes an applicator legally able to purchase and apply RUPs.
  • The underlying state or tribal certificate must come from a state or tribe that shares a boundary with the area of Indian country in which you intend to apply RUPs. If you have questions about this, contact your EPA regional office.
  • If you would like to apply in multiple areas of Indian country that share boundaries with different states, you must submit an application form and underlying certificate for each state. Send your applications and copies of the certificates to the EPA regional office that includes the state(s) where you intend to apply. This may require sending applications to multiple EPA regional offices.
  • If the state, tribe or federal agency does not issue a hard-copy certificate, you must submit documentation of the underlying certification. This documentation could include a printed image from a state Web certification database showing that you are certified in the state.

If you would like to be a private applicator in Indian country and do not have a current and valid certification from a state, tribe or federal agency, you may also obtain your certification by meeting training requirements.

There is no fee to apply for and receive an EPA federal pesticide applicator certification. However, you may be charged to obtain a certificate from a state, tribe or other federal agency.