State and Territorial Pesticide Agencies

We partner with pesticide agencies in states and U.S. territories to regulate pesticides, and we fund cooperative agreements that help them implement our pesticide programs.

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We regularly meet with the Association of American Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO) and the State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group (SFIREG). AAPCO/SFIREG is a network of officials of states and territories interested in federal/state "co-regulation" of pesticides.

Find AAPCO and SFIREG meeting information.

Contact your state/territory’s pesticide agency  to:

  • Report a pesticide misapplication.
  • Ask whether a pesticide is registered for use in your state.
  • Learn about the state-specific regulations such as if you must post signs before pesticide applications.
  • Learn how to become a certified pesticide applicator.