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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Fiscal Year 2015 Pollution Prevention Grant Summaries

In fiscal year 2015, EPA awarded approximately $3.97 million in federal funding under the Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program to support P2 activities across all environmental media — air, water and land. Grant applicants represented state agencies, federally-recognized tribes, intertribal consortia and colleges and universities that are instrumentalities of a state.

During the FY 2015 competition cycle, applicants were instructed to address as part of their proposed activity one or more of the P2 Program’s National Emphasis Areas – climate change mitigation/prevention of greenhouse gas emissions; food manufacturing and processing; or state/community approaches to hazardous materials source reduction.

The number and amounts of grants awarded depended on our congressional appropriation and the quality of proposals received.

This page provides summaries for the public and P2 practitioners on P2 grants awarded between June 2015-September 2015. The summaries include the applicant's name, the federal dollar amount (for the first year, in cases of multiple year grants) and a brief description of the project.

Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)


Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will perform the following activities:  1) encourage energy efficiency for nursing homes; 2) work with drycleaners to reduce toxics and greenhouse gas emissions by replacing traditional drycleaning services with environmentally-preferred professional wet cleaning; 3) publish the P2 View: A Pollution Prevention Newsletter Exit; 4) administer the Connecticut Green Lodging/Tourism Program Exit to bring at least 10 new hotels into the program; 5) foster continuous improvement in P2 by improving website information, web-based resource tools and outreach materials; and 6) coordinate with Connecticut's Climate Change office Exit and other state programs to integrate P2 and sustainability into the state’s climate action and resilience strategies for businesses.


Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
EPA Grant: $142,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will work with state regional planning agencies to educate local emergency planning commissions and facilities handling and storing hazardous chemicals to incorporate toxics use reduction into their emergency preparedness plans. This effort will aim to reduce risks of chemicals released into the environment due to extreme weather events or floods.


New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will: 1) work with 37 micro-breweries in New Hampshire to help reduce waste and minimize energy and water use, and; 2) provide climate change mitigation and preparedness training for hazardous waste generators in the state.


Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will perform the following activities:  1) manage Vermont’s environmental leadership program for small businesses; 2) administer the Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence and Pollution Prevention; and 3) provide outreach and assistance to the food manufacturing sector targeting 400 food processing and manufacturing businesses.

Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)


Rutgers University
EPA Grant: $79,234
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to small and mid-sized businesses in the food-manufacturing sector with a focus on food production, processing, storage, and distribution in Newark and the surrounding region. Businesses will receive assistance in ammonia refrigeration and other refrigeration alternatives, guidance on conducting energy efficiency assessments, and strategies for increasing water conservation practices.

The recipient will work with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Small Business Environmental Assistance Program and food industry associations to reach sector businesses. 

Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)


Pennsylvania State University, PennTAP
EPA Grant: $90,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to manufacturers, including one E3: Economy, Energy and Environment assessment, with a focus on food manufacturers, as well as offering P2 training to engineering interns.


Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $40,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide P2 outreach and training and on-site technical assistance.

Wytheville Community College
EPA Grant: $60,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide E3: Economy, Energy and Environment and other technical assistance to manufacturers with a focus on food manufacturers.

Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)


Florida Department of Environmental Protection
EPA Grant: $79,327
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will conduct three projects to provide technical assistance and enhance statewide recognition programs for marina, lodging and school sectors with an emphasis on reducing hazardous waste released from storms or floods. The grant recipient will also train universities and local government staff on P2 and promote environmentally-preferred cleaning products.


Georgia Tech University
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will perform the following activities:  1) support the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia – a coordinated federal and local technical assistance program and 2) conduct P2 assessments and training on green principles to enhance environmental performance through energy efficiency and improved resource usage.


Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection
EPA Grant: $80,000

P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and education related to:

  • Toxics use and greenhouse gas reductions
  • Resource and water conservation
  • Promoting P2 integration
  • Using energy efficiency and waste reduction techniques to support sustainability and improve competitiveness.  


Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $72,807
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide waste reduction training and technical assistance to businesses and industries in the state. The environmental stewardship program will use the E3: Economy, Energy and Environment technical assistance framework to assist manufacturers with assessments of operations to reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent pollution.

North Carolina

North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will support the environmental stewardship initiative to manage an environmental leadership program and offer: technical assistance, regional events on P2 and training opportunities.

South Carolina

Clemson University
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will support a two-year partnership with the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University, the Department of Industrial Engineering at Clemson University and Duke Energy.  The partnership will perform E3: Economy, Energy and Environment assessments that include energy, Lean and green technical assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in South Carolina.


Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation
EPA Grant: $80,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, roundtables and support to Tennessee businesses, government entities and food manufacturers. This work will be aimed at achieving measurable results in P2 while also reducing costs and focusing on climate change, as it relates to greenhouse gas reductions in the food manufacturing sector.

The program will also recognize outstanding environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star program.

Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)


University of Illinois
EPA Grant: $133,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Areas — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing

The grant recipient will work with Illinois industrial facilities (including food manufacturers) and communities to conserve energy, reduce water consumption and wastewater generation, reduce carbon emissions and save money.

In addition, it will help facilities identify and implement practices and technologies that reduce hazardous materials and waste.  The grantee will partner with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center to bring Lean assessments into the P2 and energy work.


Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
EPA Grant: $75,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Areas — State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will conduct an E3: Economy, Energy, and Environment pilot to provide direct technical assistance on painting and coating processes used in manufacturing to achieve natural resource (water and materials) reductions, time, motion and energy efficiencies, and cost savings.

In addition to working with manufacturers engaging in painting and coating processes, the grantee will work with the manufacturers’ supply chains. Environmental, energy efficiency and Lean assessments will be provided. The grantee will follow up with companies participating in the pilot to determine steps that were taken as a result of the assessments and the outcomes.


University of Toledo
EPA Grant: $46,888
P2 National Emphasis Areas — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing

The University of Toledo's Department of Engineering and its partners, Center for Innovative Food Technology, or CIFT, and TechSolve, an organization that provides consulting services to manufacturers, will achieve greenhouse gas reduction, toxic and hazardous materials reduction, and resource conservation by holding no-cost seminars and using graduate-level interns to assist with P2 assessments at small- and medium- sized businesses in the food, service and manufacturing sectors in Northwest Ohio.


Wisconsin State Energy Office
EPA Grant: $102,190
P2 Program National Emphasis Areas — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Through a contract with Sustain Dane, a not-for-profit organization based in the Dane County/Madison area, the Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation will provide technical assistance to businesses in the greater Madison area.

The MPower Business Champions Program Exit with Sustain Dane will utilize state and local resources to support businesses to implement P2 practices, including energy efficiency, while saving costs.

During the two-year grant, Sustain Dane will target 25 businesses that will identify, document, and implement a series of projects.  A total of 125 technical assistance projects will be led during the grant period. 

University of Wisconsin
EPA Grant: $142,804
P2 Program National Emphasis Areas — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Food Manufacturing, State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to cheese manufacturers and printers based on facilities that have reported source-reduction practices in EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory Database, develop a scoping study to determine heat-loss prevention opportunities in Wisconsin manufacturing facilities, identify Wisconsin manufacturers in or near floodplains that are at risk for spills/releases, and offer P2 assistance for safer substitutions or reduced use of materials in those areas at risk.

Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)


Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $36,481
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will perform the following activities: 1) partner with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to develop a summer P2 internship program for engineering students; 2) partner with the Zero Waste Network Exit to present P2 101 training; 3) continue to partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on E3: Economy, Energy and Environment  projects and the bimonthly Putting Green to Work lunch series; 4) conduct  P2 site assistance visits to Arkansas businesses – specifically, targeting food manufacturers; and 5) evaluate the Arkansas Environmental Steward Award applications.  


University of Texas at Arlington/Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center
EPA Grant: $103,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will use technical assistance and training to promote source reduction through the use of E3: Economy, Energy and Environment  and P2 techniques with partners in EPA Region 6.  The plan calls for developing and enhancing source-reduction approaches by engaging state, local and business partners. The grant recipient will also continue its partnership with New Mexico State University providing E3 assessments for businesses in the El Paso and Las Cruces areas of Texas and New Mexico.


Otoe-Missouria Tribe
EPA Grant: $38,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will provide training and technical assistance for seven tribal businesses and three departments within the tribal government.  Training topics include P2, energy use awareness, energy and water conservation and chemicals and hazardous materials.


New Mexico Environment Department
EPA Grant: $77,519
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide on-site environmental assessments, P2 trainings, and source-reduction project assistance. Grant funding will also support the state’s environmental recognition program, the Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program and the P2 Intern Program.

New Mexico State University – Institute for Energy and the Environment
EPA Grant: $54,729
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will support new and existing approaches by:  1) continuing Lean and Green activities with the manufacturing sector; 2) continuing E3: Economy, Energy and Environment program outreach and training – working collaboratively with partners in Texas; 3) introducing E3 activities into New Mexico’s food manufacturing sector; and 4) continuing to collaborate with the New Mexico Environment Department’s Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program and P2 internship program.

Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)


Iowa Department of Natural Resources
EPA Grant: $135,454
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will conduct 22 P2 assessments and partner with Iowa’s food manufacturers to identify and implement P2 opportunities through four P2 internships.


Kansas Department of Health and Environment
EPA Grant: $159,449
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will partner with Kansas State University to provide a P2 internship program with a food manufacturing focus, provide direct technical assistance to businesses and raise P2 awareness and recognition within the business community.  Project outputs will include P2 internships, site visits with P2 recommendations, P2 awards and P2 sessions at Kansas' Environmental Conference.


University of Nebraska – Lincoln
EPA Grant: $76,414
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will focus on the beef processing industry to assist at least three food processing manufacturers in measuring and mapping their water and energy use and wastewater production; allocating costs and identifying relevant waste reduction strategies.

Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)


Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
EPA Grant: $119,400
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will support the Beyond Compliance Award and Recognition Program and a P2 program, including P2 technical assistance and outreach to businesses, integration of P2 concepts and regulatory framework and development of state-wide use of innovative P2 concepts.


Montana State University
EPA Grant: $165,059
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will support the Ecostar Pollution Prevention Award Exit program for small businesses, promote new initiatives that offer technical assistance and training on solar hot water systems, and will create a P2 Potential Partners workshop.


Utah Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $94,041
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will help businesses adopt and implement P2 tools and techniques and provide technical assistance to water utilities to reduce storm water pollution.


Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $64,309
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to agricultural businesses – six swine and dairy concentrated animal feeding operations and a beet sugar processing facility to analyze energy use and provide recommendations to increase energy efficiency and create an energy management plan.

Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)


Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $161,561
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will expand outreach activities and technical assistance to Arizona facilities required to submit P2 reports based on Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) by partnering with student interns from Arizona State University.


California Air Resources Board
EPA Grant: $107,517
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

The grant recipient will provide in-person technical assistance and training for businesses in under-served and disadvantaged areas as identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency’s CalEnviro Screen version 2.0. Exit The program will increase participation from businesses representing under-served and disadvantaged communities (DACs) where green business programs exist. The recipient will also establish a new California certified green business program in a DAC city or county.

Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)


Knik Tribal Council
EPA Grant: $96,300
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses, support the Green Star Communities Program Exit and Green Star Business Certification program Exit – focusing on breweries and housing management.


Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
EPA Grant: $85,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance to businesses, support E3: Economy, Energy and Environment projects, green chemistry, refrigerant alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support the Green Air Zone program, a green chemistry school certification program and the Idaho Environmental guide.


Portland State University
EPA Grant: $95,000
P2 Program National Emphasis Area — Food Manufacturing and Processing

The grant recipient will provide technical assistance for idle reduction and electrification for food distributor companies with refrigeration units.


Washington State Department of Ecology
EPA Grant: $105,700
P2 Program National Emphasis Areas — Food Manufacturing and Processing and Climate Change Mitigation/Prevention of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The grant recipient will provide training for businesses and Washington State Department of Ecology staff on toxics use reduction, safer chemical alternatives and chemical hazard assessments.

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