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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Fiscal Year 2014 Pollution Prevention Grant Summaries

In fiscal year 2014, EPA provided approximately $3.97 million in funding through grants/cooperative agreements to support pollution prevention (P2) activities across all environmental media — air, water and land. Grant applicants include state agencies, federally-recognized tribes, intertribal consortia and colleges and universities that are instrumentalities of a state.  The number and amounts of grants awarded depend on congressional appropriation and the quality of proposals received.

This page provides summaries of grant awards EPA issued between June — August 2014. The summaries are meant to provide information on projects that will be supported with federal funds under the P2 Grant Program. The summaries include the applicant's name, the federal dollar amount (for the first year, in cases of multiple year grants) and a brief description of the project.

The summaries are intended to inform the public and P2 practitioners on how P2 grant money is spent among tribal and state P2 programs.

Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
EPA grant: $80,000

The grantee will work to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from health-care facilities; reduce toxics in cleaning products in schools; publish P2 View Exit and Your Environmental Connection Exitquarterly newsletters; promote green lodging; develop case studies on water conservation for businesses; and support greening of state government initiatives.

University Massachusetts Lowell
EPA grant: $69,181

The grantee will integrate P2 practices into the visual arts business community.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
EPA grant: $80,000

The grantee will provide P2 and compliance assistance outreach to small businesses generating hazardous wastes and will offer energy efficiency and waste reduction assistance to the hospitality and grocery sectors.

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
EPA grant: $61,000

The grantee will enhance an existing P2 program targeting environmental sustainability within the turf management industry.

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
EPA grant: $80,000

The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to the vehicle service and repair sectors, manage Vermont’s environmental leadership program for small businesses and support and administer Vermont’s statewide environmental excellence awards program.

Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)

New Jersey
Rowan University
EPA grant: $90,383

The grantee will assist the specialty chemical industry in source reduction, P2 and green engineering design through their engineering clinic outreach program. The grantee will build upon a previous P2 grant that focused on pharmaceutical companies and will apply its expertise to specialty and performance chemical manufacturing sectors by providing P2 technical assistance to a DuPont facility in New Jersey. The grantee and DuPont will work to reduce hazardous solvent waste within the DuPont facility’s batch-based processing.  The grantee will also collaborate with DuPont to publish a case study to share lessons learned with stakeholders in the specialty chemical industry.

Rutgers University
EPA grant: $117,279

The grantee will develop an on-line portal of geospatial mapping tools that identify industrial facilities for P2 technical assistance in New Jersey.  The geospatial tools will allow state, federal and local government agencies, communities and P2 technical assistance providers to identify industrial facilities that may be especially vulnerable to releases and discharges of hazardous materials due to storm surges. The grantee will work with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Rutgers Small Business Development Center to apply these geospatial tools to target and implement P2 technical assistance within vulnerable facilities.

New York
Empire State Development
EPA grant: $179,630

The grantee will establish a Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable that will serve as a central resource to assist western New York businesses in reducing their environmental impact. The grantee will collaborate with the Erie County Department of Environment Planning (ECDEP) to provide training and P2 technical assistance to businesses. The grantee and ECDEP will work with businesses to create sustainability plans and will assist businesses implementing them in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease hazardous material generation, improve water conservation and realize cost savings.

Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)

Maryland Department of the Environment
EPA grant: $101,520

The grantee will provide P2 services and recognition to Maryland businesses, support P2 internships, and provide environmental management training and outreach to minor league baseball stadiums and vehicle maintenance facilities.

Pennsylvania State University
EPA grant: $180,000

The grantee will support manufacturers in implementing a green engineering materials management plan to promote reuse of high-value solvents.

Wytheville Community College
EPA grant: $50,000

The grantee will promote the Southwest Virginia Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) framework and provide E3 assessments to businesses.

Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)

University of Alabama
EPA grant: $65,000

The grantee will provide on-site training opportunities through the University’s P2 intern program. Through the program, interns will provide P2 technical assistance to Alabama manufacturers on addressing operational efficiencies through energy and environmental waste reduction activities.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
EPA grant: $45,000

The grantee will utilize services of retired engineers to provide P2 technical assistance to local businesses to help enhance Florida's Green Lodging Exit and Clean Marina Exit programs.

Georgia Tech University
EPA grant: $60,000

The grantee will renew and expand Georgia’s P2 Partners Program. The grantee will also collaborate with the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership Exit to encourage industries, utilities, communities and other institutions to reduce pollution, conserve water and improve energy performance through technical assistance.

Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance
EPA grant: $70,000

The grantee will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver P2 technical assistance and education on toxics and greenhouse gas reductions, resource and water conservation and promote P2 integration of energy efficiency to support sustainability efforts and improve local business competitiveness.

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $65,000

The grantee will provide waste reduction training and P2 technical assistance to industries – focusing on automotive suppliers; manage an Environmental Leadership Program; provide energy efficiency workshops for commercial business sector and provide on-site Economy, Energy and Environment assistance for Mississippi industries to Lean and Green their operations.

East Carolina University
EPA grant: $55,000

The grantee will provide P2 audits and follow-up P2 technical assistance to the brewing and wine industries in North Carolina. 

North Carolina DENR- Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach
EPA grant: $70,000

The grantee will continue to manage its Environmental Leadership Program, offer Lean and Green on-site training and support regional P2 events.

Clemson University
EPA grant: $40,000

The grantee will collaborate with Duke Energy to perform P2 and Lean and Green assessments for non-residential customers of Duke Energy.

Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation
EPA grant: $40,000

The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, and symposia and support Tennessee facilities, government entities and nonprofits to achieve environmental results in P2 while reducing costs. The grantee will also recognize outstanding environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star Partnership Program Exit.

Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)

Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
EPA grant: $116,137

The grantee will identify and implement water and energy reduction measures in municipalities and industrial facilities in East St. Louis, Illinois. The grantee will also conduct 13 site assessments to assist companies establish best management practices baselines and goals for implementing P2. Two of the 13 facilities participating in the assessments will also participate in an Economy, Energy and Environment assessment.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $84,320

The grantee will provide Economy, Energy and Environment P2 technical assistance to eight small manufacturers and integrate environmental management system protocols into P2 technical assistance planning. Two training workshops in toxics use reduction and environmental management systems will be offered to manufacturers. Under this project, manufacturers will work to reduce operational waste, water usage, hazardous substances and energy costs.

University of Toledo
EPA grant: $96,966

The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance and training to 12 small and medium-sized businesses in Ohio. The project supports P2 planning and implementation statewide through the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network Exit – which works to improve awareness of environmental and economic benefits statewide.

University of Wisconsin’s Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center
EPA grant: $66,914

The grantee will catalog and use data provided in EPA's Toxic Release Inventory database and similar environmental databases to target companies that report significant wastes/processes/emissions. The grantee will then use this information to offer P2 technical assistance to these companies wishing to improve their environmental performance.

Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)

Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $40,390

The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality's (ADEQ) Pollution Prevention (P2) program will partner with the department's Hazardous Waste Division to provide source reduction training in six locations around the state. The director of the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable Exit will present P2 101 training. The P2 program will partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on Economy-Energy-Environment  projects and the bimonthly Putting Green to Work lunch series. P2 site assistance visits will be provided to Arkansas businesses. ADEQ's P2 Program will bring in a speaker to promote the Green Sports Alliance at the Arkansas School Plant Management Association's annual conference. The Arkansas Environmental Stewardship Award
applications will be evaluated.

New Mexico State University – Institute for Energy and the Environment
EPA grant: $141,922

The grantee will continue its partnership with the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) to collaboratively provide training and outreach on efficient manufacturing practices ("lean") and related P2 and energy efficiency practices ("green") for the manufacturing sector in New Mexico.  Under this partnership, the grantee proposes on-site assistance on issues to locally-owned and operated hospitality facilities in rural New Mexico. The grantee will also continue to administer the Economy, Energy and Environment framework to deliver outreach and technical assistance to the manufacturing sector in New Mexico and west Texas.

University of Texas at Arlington – Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center
EPA grant: $198,688

The grantee and its statewide Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers will conduct "Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) Plus" site assistance which adds a chemical alternatives assessment and material life review at six sites in the Region 6 area  which includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. 

The grantee will also propose to continue delivering E3 Program outreach and technical assistance to the manufacturing sector in New Mexico and west Texas, with assistance from New Mexico State University. This partnership also includes the New Mexico MEP, and the New Mexico Environment Department Pollution Prevention Program, with the anticipation to expand the partnership to other agencies engaged in the E3 Memorandum of Understanding. The grantee will also work with the national and regional partners to create one new training module, which can be used to train industry on source reduction techniques using material life extension.

Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
EPA grant: $150,000

The grantee will conduct 22 environmental assessments by collaborating with Iowa’s publicly owned treatment work facilities through its P2 internship program. Interns will assist large-scale industrial manufactures by identifying and implementing P2 opportunities to reduce industrial discharges.

Kansas Department of Health & Environment
EPA grant: $100,000

The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses; work with facilities within the healthcare sector to implement environmentally preferable purchasing; educate the public on P2 by promoting a P2 conference; offer P2 recognition awards; and publish a P2 newsletter.

The Curators of the University of Missouri
EPA grant: $99,979

The grantee will coordinate communication activities, services development and delivery of the Missouri’s Economy, Energy and Environment framework to food producers and manufacturers.  The grantee will also work to disseminate P2 and renewable energy education through workforce development programs delivered by community colleges; and integrate P2 services and assistance through the statewide Missouri Business Development Program and the University of Missouri’s College of Engineering.

Board of Regents, University of Nebraska- Lincoln
EPA grant: $122,375

The grantee will promote water use reduction and associated energy costs  to lessen the risk of nitrate contamination in groundwater. Tasks will include:

  • agricultural irrigators implementing an irrigation water management plan which  includes monitoring water in soil to determine when and how much water to apply
  •  gaging what to estimate trends in crop water use
  •  evaluating the system in terms of energy efficiency.

The grant also will support to two P2 interns who will provide technical assistance to businesses.

Board of Regents, University of Nebraska – Omaha
EPA grant:  $40,100

The grantee will measure the motivations, barriers, action and knowledge regarding environmentally preferable purchasing among distributed purchasers at five colleges / universities. It will provide training and measure implementation of environmentally preferable purchasing, which includes source reduction.

Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
EPA grant: $100,833

The grantee will: 1) continue efforts to reduce the release and volatilization of nitrogen compounds and ammonia from agricultural sources by implementing the second phase of an early warning system to predict upslope conditions that will inform agricultural producers on ways to integrate P2 best managment practices; 2)  track and evaluate the effectiveness of their activities by analyzing behavioral changes.3) provide P2 and environmental management system P2 technical assistance to environmental members and potential members of leadership programs who commit to going beyond environmental compliance to achieve significant environmental benefits and incorporate P2 into regulatory programs. The focus will be placed on high impact sectors – e.g., entertainment venues and national parks.

Montana State University
EPA grant: $147,462

The grantee will: 1) create, maintain and promote a localized building social forum site to spread awareness of  P2 issues; 2) organize and market P2 in a residential building webinar series covering best management  practices case studies and topic areas, including hazardous/special waste reduction, sustainable design, energy efficiency and material reuse; and 3) continue to support existing core P2 initiatives including the Ecostar P2 Award Program Exit for small businesses, Montana Material Exchange Program Exit, Montana Sustainable Agriculture and Economy listserv.

Utah Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $89,972

The grantee will: Promote cost-effective energy efficiency actions, best management practices, metrics and measurement tools for water utilities and businesses regulated by the department.

Promote participation in the grantee’s Clean Utah Program Exit, provide P2 technical assistance to members to establish environmental improvement projects and promote tools for tracking and reporting metrics and support an award recognition program.

Continue to develop and promote P2 tools and resources to businesses on the grantee’s BizHelp Exit website targeting auto salvage yards, municipalities and industrial sites.

Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)

California Air Resources Board
EPA grant: $180,000

The grantee will collaborate with the California Green Business Program (CAGBP) to increase environmental outcomes of its P2 program activities; revitalize the process for issuing environmental certifications to businesses; and expand the geographic reach of the grantee’s P2 program in cities and counties within California.

Department of Toxics Substance Control
EPA grant: $105,000

The grantee will provide manufacturers, industry and retailers with training on alternatives analysis process and tools to reduce chemicals of concern in priority consumer products.

Board of Regents, University of Berkley
EPA grant: $115,406

The grantee will combine P2 technical assistance with workforce training to help businesses reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in products and manufacturing and provide career experience in green chemistry and chemical selection to prospective chemists, engineers, product designers and environmental health scientists.

Board of Regents, University of Nevada
EPA grant: $190,000

The grantee will provide businesses with rapid-response source reduction and P2 assistance, target specific sectors for preventing pollution and will incentivize business efficiency by initiating a merit-based environmental recognition awards program.

Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)

Alaska Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $91,000

The grantee will provide P2 technical assistance with a focus on hospitality; support Economy, Energy and Environment and Green Star Exit assessments; provide business certification with a new emphasis on greener alternatives and green chemistry).

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $85,000

The grantee will support Economy, Energy and Environment assessments, encourage safer solvent alternatives, promote Clean Air Zone, promote green chemistry curriculum development and environmentally preferable purchasing in schools.

Portland State University
EPA grant: $102,000

The grantee will expand the Eco-Biz certification for landscapers and automotive service sectors to include additional communities.

Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $104,000

The grantee will conduct P2 site assessments, support Economy, Energy and Environment and Technical Resources for Engineering Efficiency (TREE) assessments, and provide safer chemistry technical assistance to businesses.

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