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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Fiscal Year 2011 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Summaries

In fiscal year 2011, EPA had approximately $1.47 million to fund SRA grants supporting P2 activities across all environmental media: air, water and land. Proposed activities would develop and sustain P2 related tools, research, educational approaches, and innovation. Grant applicants include: state agencies, federally-recognized tribes, and colleges and universities (that are instrumentalities of a state), local, city and township governments, nonprofit and community based grassroots organizations, and independent school districts and private institutions of higher education.

These summaries include applicant's name, the federal dollar amount (for the first year in cases of multiple year grants), and a brief description of the project.

Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)


Beyond Benign
EPA grant: $29,977

The grantee will work to transform high school chemistry curriculum by reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in classrooms. The work will involve developing new lesson plans for teachers that focus on green chemistry alternatives and greener classroom principles. The lessons will focus on using environmentally preferable chemical alternatives as a means to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in classrooms. The grantee will design five lesson plans intended to replace the five most hazardous high school lessons used in classrooms today.

Healthcare Without Harm
EPA grant: $30,001

The grantee will use funds to implement and support two model environmental programs. The first program will substitute toxic chemicals with safer alternatives in up to 190 medical research labs in Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The second program will replace standard petroleum-based plastics with bio-based plastics in up to eleven hospitals across Massachusetts which are part of the Partners HealthCare group. The goal for both programs is to replicate the activity at other medical facilities across the New England region and influence behavioral change in the health care sector.

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
EPA grant: $25,000

The grantee will create a benchmark of hospitality industry source pollution through a survey and site visit methodology. The project will provide educational materials on alternative products for the hospitality industry, track reductions and educate municipal inspectors and boards of health about P2 practices for the hospitality sector in the Berkshire area.

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Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)

New York

New York State Pollution Prevention Institute
EPA grant: $65,000

The grantee will utilize its sustainability tool, entitled “Lean, Energy and Environment,” to assist manufacturers in reducing their energy and water usage, hazardous material releases and operational costs. Through this tool, NYSP2I will provide pollution prevention outreach, with a focus on reducing air toxics, to manufacturers in Tonawanda, NY.

New York State Restaurant Association Educational Foundation
EPA grant: $41,900

The grantee will build upon its current grant in which they are training New York City restaurants to green their operations by expanding to restaurants in Nassau and Westchester counties in New York state. The grantee will provide training sessions on pollution prevention techniques such as using water-saving devices, eco-friendly cleaning products and energy-efficient equipment and will disseminate a green restaurant workbook.

Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)

West Virginia

Recipient: Wytheville Community College
EPA grant: $100,000

The grantee will support industrial clients in energy and resource conservation through energy audits, energy workshops, lean and clean efforts and conferences.

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Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)


Orange County Environmental Protection Division
EPA grant: $28,000

The Orange County Green Lodging initiative will create a reproducible model of voluntary state and local partnerships that will enable local government partners to augment the state of Florida’s Green Lodging program. The initiative will train local partners to provide technical assistance and conduct site assessments on sustainable lodging and hospitality.


Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
EPA grant: $40,000

KPPC will initiate a Kentucky Energy, Economy and the Environment initiative to help integrate energy efficiency, lean practices, source reduction and water conservation into daily operations of small-to-mid sized manufacturers. It is anticipated that these activities will enhance manufacturers’ environmental consciousness, boost their competitiveness and spur job growth to improve regional economies.

North Carolina

Land of Sky Regional Council
EPA grant: $35,000

Waste Reduction Resource Partners will provide on-site assessments to North Carolina’s hospitality and tourism businesses, teach best management practices in P2, calculate economic and environmental savings and document a transferable analysis of P2 efforts in North Carolina’s hospitality sector.

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
EPA grant: $20,000

The grantee will initiate a South Carolina Energy, Economy and the Environment initiative help integrate energy efficiency, lean practices, source reduction and water conservation into daily operations of small-to-mid sized manufacturers. It is anticipated that these activities will enhance manufacturers’ environmental consciousness, boost their competitiveness and spur job growth to improve regional economies.


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Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)


University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois Sustainability Technology Center (ISTC) EPA grant: $45,722 ISTC will conduct site assessments of area manufacturing facilities to generate P2 results. The grantee use its databases to determine which facilities to approach.


University of Minnesota, Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP)
EPA grant: $88,174

The specific objective of this project is to reduce solid and hazardous waste in hospital surgical tool sterilization procedures. A life cycle analysis will be done comparing reusable (hard case) containers and blue wrap. A replication model will be developed as guidance for other hospitals to use in adopting hard case sterilization containers.


Lakeshore Technical College
EPA grant: $23,004

The grantee will conduct a geographic web-based networking project to heighten social awareness and influence behavioral change. The project is part of the college’s Sustainability Living Laboratory program. The project will result in energy conservation, GHG emission reductions and cost savings. During the first year the college will purchase and implement power management software and hardware, resulting in automatic powering down of computers. As the grant progresses, the grantee will allow communities and businesses to be exposed to the project through campus tours, publications.

Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)

The Region did not issue any SRA awards in Fiscal Year 2011.

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Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)


Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
EPA grant: $57,465

The IDNR’s P2 Services program will employ two P2 interns to Iowa hospitals; work with Iowa partners to provide technical information at Iowa hospital webinars and workshops; and it will upgrade the P2 Services database. It is anticipated that these projects will provide environmental outcomes via energy conserved, water conserved, solid waste reduced and mercury abated.


Drury University
EPA grant: $56,684

The university will work with four hospitals in southwest Missouri to refine and implement a sustainability program tool designed to improve hospital operations, reduce waste and conserve resources. The sustainability program tool will provide training for hospital employees on P2 methods and planning.

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Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)


Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmental (CDPHE)
EPA grant: $130,000

CDPHE along with the Colorado Association for Manufacturing Technology and other partners will: provide Energy, Economy and the Environment training and assessments across Colorado to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; reduce the use of hazardous material; increase resource efficiency to reduce water and energy usage by manufacturing facilities; and create business efficiencies for economic and environmental benefits.


Montana State University
EPA grant: $14,947

The university will train local and state governments on implementing greening strategies to reduce air emissions, energy and water use, waste generation and water pollution.

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Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)


University of Nevada
EPA grant: $58,347

The university will hold a P2 and Sustainability Conference in EPA Region 9.

Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)


Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
EPA grant: $125,500

PPRC will provide northwest P2 network support through a P2 roundtable; provide training and communications support; provide regional support for the Energy, Economy and the Environment pilots; and focus on toxics reduction through promoting green chemistry, developing a storm water initiative and designing an eco-certification program.

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