Programs of the Office of the Science Advisor (OSA)

Memorandum About Materials for Review by the Human Studies Review Board for its Meeting on January 14, 2015

At this meeting, EPA will ask the Human Studies Review Board to address scientific and ethical issues surrounding the following three completed human toxicity studies that appear in the published literature:
  1. Ezratty, Veronique et al. (2014) Repeated Nitrogen Dioxide Exposures and Eosinophilic airway Inflammation in Asthmatics: A Randomized Crossover Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. Volume 122, Number 8, August 2014. (MRID 49519201)
  2. Spak, C.J. et al. (1989) Tissue Response of Gastric Mucosa after Ingestion of Fluoride. Karolinska Institute, Huddinge University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden. British Medical Journal. 298:1686-7. (MRID 49489101)
  3. Hansson, T. and Roos, B. (1987). The Effect of Fluoride and Calcium on Spinal Bone Mineral Content: A Controlled, Prospective (3 years) study. Sahlgren’s Hospital, University of Gothenberg, Sweden. Calcified Tissue International. 40:315-317. (MRID 49489102)
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