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Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source Pollution

Watershed Approach: Additional Resources

EPA Related Topics

The Healthy Watersheds Program is a systems approach that protects aquatic biota and their habitat as well as watershed characteristics and processes that support them such as vegetative riparian corridors and headwaters, hydrology, geomorphology and natural disturbance regimes. The holistic protection approach provided by the Healthy Watersheds Program is essential for addressing the pervasive threats to healthy watersheds, including loss and fragmentation of habitat, hydrologic alteration, invasive species and climate change.

National Estuaries Program: The National Estuary Program (NEP) is a network of voluntary community-based programs that safeguards the health of important coastal ecosystems across the country.

Watershed Academy: The Watershed Academy is a focal point at EPA for providing training and information on implementing watershed approaches. The Academy's self-paced training modules and webcast seminars provide current information from national experts across a broad range of watershed topics.

Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)A TMDL is a pollution budget and includes a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that can occur in a waterbody and allocates the necessary reductions to one or more pollutant sources.

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Other Watershed Resources

Conservation Technology Information Center: Know your watershed: ExitAn inititative coordinated by the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), a non-profit data and technology information transfer center, to encourage the formation of local, voluntary watershed partnerships and help assure that these partnerships successfully attain their goals.

Lake and Reservoir Restoration Manual: This guidance manual is written for the informed citizen who is interested in lakes and reservoirs. The manual includes information to help users identify, describe, and define their lake problems and evaluate available lake and watershed management practices for addressing problems or protecting current quality. It describes the process of developing a site-specific lake or reservoir management plan and illustrates how to put a lake management plan in practice and evaluate its effectiveness.  

Center for Watershed ProtectionExitThe Center for Watershed Protection works with local, state, and federal governmental agencies, environmental consulting firms, watershed organizations, and the public to provide objective and scientifically sound information on effective techniques to protect and restore urban watersheds.

The Chesapeake Bay Program:ExitThe Chesapeake Bay Program has designed a site that provides a wealth of information (statewide to nationwide) on the following topics: Environmental Assessment Resources; Visioning, Consensus Building, and Planning Resources; Implementation Resources (Technical Assistance, Guidance, Case Studies); Funding Resources (Grants and Financing Assistance; Public Outreach Resources; and Comprehensive Resource Guides. 

National Association of Conservation DistrictsExit This site provides links to almost 3000 conservation districts around the country. NACD also provides publications, educational materials, and conferences and workshops.

River Network:Exit River Network helps people monitor, protect, and restore rivers and watersheds. As the nation's leader in supporting grassroots river and watershed conservation groups, River Network designed this site to link watershed groups with the information and services that they need.

Urban Land InstituteExitThe mission of the Urban Land Institute is to provide responsible leadership in the use of land in order to enhance the total environment. They address issues such as smart growth, transportation, housing, and finance. They also provide educational documents, conferences, and a continueing education program. 

Strategic Habitat Conservation Handbook (PDF): ExitThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service developed this handbook to guide planners in developing Habitat Conservation Plans under the Endangered Species Act. 

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