See tools to help the NPDES program adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions.
See below for EPA public search tools to gain information on specific facilities with NPDES permits.
- NPDES General Permit Inventory - This search tool allows users to search for NPDES general permits by permit number, permit name, state, EPA region, date issued, date expired, or permit category.
- Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - A public access website to data stored in EPA’s compliance and enforcement data systems, including ICIS-NPDES for facilities regulated under the CWA NPDES program. ECHO allows users to find and download information on permit data, inspections, violations, enforcement actions, and penalties.
- Envirofacts - This website provides access to several EPA databases that provide information about environmental activities, including those that affect water. Under “System Data Searches” a user can retrieve facility data from ICIS-NPDES by using any combination of facility name, permit number, location, industrial classification, and chemicals.
- Clean Water Act DMR Pollutant Loading Tool - This tool helps users determine who is discharging, what pollutants they are discharging and how much, and where they are discharging. Provides and calculates water discharge information from the EPA system for water enforcement and compliance data and from the Toxics Release Inventory (2007-2011).
- My WATERS Mapper - Displays snapshots of EPA Office of Water program data and enables you to create customized maps at national and local scales. The “Other EPA Water Data” section allows the user to display all NPDES facilities on a map, along with several other features, such as impaired waters and waters with TMDLs.
- The Assessment TMDL Tracking & Implementation System (ATTAINS) - Provides information reported by the states to EPA about the conditions in their surface waters and allows users to view tables and charts summarizing state-reported data for the nation as a whole, individual states, individual waters and the 10 EPA regions. The full story of assessed waters that are impaired, are currently being restored, or have been restored is provided.