National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

NPDES Stormwater Webcasts

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General Stormwater

Financing a Municipal Stormwater Program/Stormwater Utilities 201 (2006) Exit - Municipal stormwater program managers have many options to choose from in financing their programs, from general funds to dedicated sources such as stormwater utilities. Describes stormwater funding methods and the advantages of developing a stormwater utility.
Stormwater 101: The Basics (2008) Exit- Confused about regulations, laws, and permits? What are the storm-water requirements and where do they come from? What requirements apply nationally and which do the state permitting authorities set? Learn the truth about some “urban legends” of the stormwater program.
Stormwater and TMDLs: Making the Connection - An Introductory Workshop for Phase II MS4 Permittees in Florida (2011) Exit - Provides introductory information on water quality standards, stormwater permits, and TMDLs. It focuses on how operators of small and medium municipal separate storm sewer systems can address water quality impairments through their local stormwater management programs.

Construction Stormwater

Construction SWPPPs from A to Z: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and More! (2007) Exit- Focuses on the key elements for developing an effective stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and common stormwater problems found on construction sites.
EPA’s 2012 Construction General Permit (2012) Exit- Provides an overview of the EPA’s 2012 Construction General Permit.

Industrial Stormwater

Overview of EPA’s 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) (2015) Exit- Describes the basics of EPA’s 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit, how to get coverage under the permit, and changes from the previous permit.
Industrial Stormwater Protection Webcast: Ready Mixed Concrete, Crushed Stone, and Sand and Gravel (2009) Exit- Explains the federal industrial stormwater requirements for owners/operators of ready mixed concrete, crushed stone, and sand and gravel operations. It describes the EPA’s MSGP, common environmental compliance issues with stormwater pollution prevention plans, examples of best management practices, and myths associated with stormwater compliance.

Municipal Stormwater


Developing an Effective Municipal Stormwater Management Program for Construction Sites: Construction 101 (2006) Exit- Provides an overview of the basic construction oversight requirements for municipal stormwater permittees and permit requirements for all regulated construction sites. It also provides a review of site-level runoff controls and a brief overview of the typical inspection approach.

Evaluation and Effectiveness

Assessing the Effectiveness of Your Municipal Stormwater Program (2008) Exit- Describes the California Stormwater Quality Association’s “Municipal Stormwater Program Effectiveness Assessment Guidance,” which helps municipal stormwater program managers more objectively assess municipal program effectiveness. EPA also discusses expectations for where Phase II stormwater programs should be after five years of implementation.
Municipal Stormwater Compliance: EPA’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Evaluation Guidance (2007) Exit- EPA introduces its guide for assessing compliance and effectiveness of MS4s programs. This guide is for EPA and state staff conducting evaluations of MS4 programs, but may also be useful for MS4s as a self-assessment of their programs. 

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

Developing Your IDDE Program: IDDE 101 (2006) Exit- Provides a basic overview of how municipal stormwater permittees can develop an illicit discharge detection and elimination program.
Conducting Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Investigations: IDDE 201 (2007) Exit- Discusses the field and lab methods necessary to conduct IDDE investigations. The covered topics include: IDDE terminology, basic components of an effective IDDE program, desk top assessment s of illicit discharge potential to prioritize field activities, outfall reconnaissance inventory, post-screening prioritization, and detailed field and lab analyses to confirm and identify illicit discharges.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: Finding and Fixing Illicit Discharges and Connections: IDDE 301 (2009) Exit- Focuses on finding and eliminating illicit discharges. The covered topics include: methods for tracing illicit discharges to their sources via various methods and eliminating illicit discharges. A specific case study is also discussed.

Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

EPA’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Webinar Series: Road Salt Pollution Prevention Strategies (2013) Exit- Provides information on the impacts of road salt on the environment, implementation of TMLDs involving road salt, successful reduction strategies used by states, and possible groundwater impacts.
Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Building a Local Program to Maintain Your Stormwater Practices and Prevent Pollution from Municipal Operations (2006) Exit- Includes an overview of maintenance activities, explains why maintenance is essential for water quality, and identifies top maintenance headaches faced by MS4s. It also discusses how to build an effective local maintenance program, conduct a municipal operations analysis, train municipal employees, reduce future maintenance burden by improving designs, track maintenance needs and activities, and ensure maintenance happens.


BMP Performance (2008) Exit- Explores the details of best management practice (BMP) performance, including pollutant concentrations, volume reduction and total load reduction. It also debunks the BMP performance myth of using “percent removal” and highlights the Urban BMP Performance Tool, which includes hundreds of studies on BMP performance.
Post-Construction Management, Building Green Programs (2007) Exit- Introduces concepts from the post-construction guide, including self-audits, model ordinance, checklists, and design manuals. 
Post-Construction Overview and Introduction to Smart Growth and Low Impact Development: Post- Construction 101 (2006) Exit- Describes post-construction program requirements and explains how innovative concepts including low impact development and smart growth help look beyond the individual site and assess how post-construction controls will affect the entire watershed.
The Art and Science of Stormwater Retrofitting (2008) Exit- Discusses how retrofitting stormwater practices into already developed watersheds can help restore watersheds by providing stormwater treatment in areas without stormwater management practices. Topics include retrofitting existing urban lands, ways to develop and implement a successful retrofit program, pollutant removal performance and costs, and guidance for how to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential retrofit projects.
Tools and Guidance for Developing Your Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program (2008) Exit- Includes how to perform a program self-assessment, develop effective stormwater management criteria, incorporate credits for low impact development and runoff reduction, and build a local guidance manual using off-the-shelf resources.

Public Education/Outreach and Public Involvement

Social Marketing: A Tool for More Effective Stormwater Education and Outreach Programs (2007) Exit- Discusses social marketing techniques to improve the delivery and effectiveness of stormwater outreach and education programs and engage citizens to increase awareness and change behaviors. In addition, speakers share examples and lessons learned from watershed outreach campaigns and additional resources.