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National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

NPDES Permit Basics


  • What is an NPDES permit?
  • What is a point source?
  • What is a water of the United States?
  • What is a pollutant?
  • Do I need an NPDES permit?
  • Where do I apply for a NPDES permit?
  • How do NPDES permits protect water?
  • Can the general public participate in NPDES permitting decisions?
  • How are the conditions in NPDES permits enforced by EPA and the states?
  • What is the NPDES Permit Backlog?
  • Is it legal to have wastewater coming out of a pipe into my local receiving water (e.g., lake, stream, river, wetland)?
  • Is there any information available to me on permits in my area?
  • Typically, how long are NPDES permits effective?
  • Is there a fee for coverage under an NPDES permit?
  • What are the primary differences between an NPDES individual permit and an NPDES general permit?
  • What is the process for applying for coverage under an NPDES general permit?
  • How do Operators apply for coverage under an NPDES individual permit?
  • What does submittal of an NOI mean?
  • Since filing a Notice of Intent (NOI), the preparer and/or certifying official on that NOI no longer hold that position with the company (or have left the company altogether). How does a new preparer, new certifying official or duly authorized representative of the Decision-maker file the annual report electronically?
  • How can I find out about a proposed permit for a facility near me so that I can participate in the permitting process?