National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Compendium of State Approaches for Manure Management

The compendium showcases examples of state program features for promoting good manure management at animal feeding operations (AFOs). The examples are noteworthy because they show clear evidence of on-the-ground implementation and focus on meaningful environmental outcomes.

Part A: Permits and Regulatory Programs

Examples of program features for manure management that have a regulatory basis, such as permit provisions and other regulatory program elements, including manure transfer requirements, facility registration requirements, and nutrient management inspector qualifications.

Part B: Non-Regulatory Tools, Guidance, and Support

Examples of non-regulatory tools, guidance, or other program features related to manure management, including manure relocation programs, manure spreading advisory tools, and farmer and rancher training.

Part C: Integrated Approaches

Examples of state regulatory features that integrate approaches across environmental media that address surface water quality impacts from manure management and environmental impacts in other areas such as air quality, groundwater, or emergency response.
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