EPA in New Mexico

Comments and Meetings in New Mexico

Prepare to Comment on Proposals

Proposed regulations are published in the Federal Register, usually 7-10 days after signature. EPA provides advance copies of proposed regulations signed by the regional administrator that affect New Mexico before they are published, so that people can begin learning about the issues and preparing to comment when the notice is published. Read more about preparing to comment on proposals

Public Meetings and Events

EPA holds public meetings to provide access to information, and sometimes to give people the opportunity to provide comment on proposals. Events such as conferences and workshops help people learn about issues important to them, and sometimes provide forums for people to exchange ideas. Read more about public meetings and events scheduled in New Mexico.

Public Notices

EPA provides public notices about regulatory and other actions it takes, often related to its permitting authorities. Many public notices seek comment (e.g., proposed EPA actions) or participation from the public (e.g., public meeting notice); some are for informational purposes only (e.g., announcing a final report).  EPA strives to include direct links to all EPA public notices on this site but in some cases that is not feasible. Search for public notices.