News Releases from Region 07
EPA Enforcement Settlement with Home Renovation Company to Benefit Kansas City, Mo., Youth Education Center
Environmental News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE(Lenexa, Kan., Oct. 2, 2015) - EPA Region 7 has filed a settlement with Bordner Installation Group, Inc., that includes a $19,782 Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) to benefit a youth education facility in Kansas City, Mo.
An EPA recordkeeping inspection revealed Bordner, a home renovation company, violated the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule, resulting in a $21,980 penalty. About $2,200 of the civil penalty will be paid as cash to the United States. The remaining funds will be used for lead-based paint abatement of an education center at Grace United Community Ministries, Kansas City, Mo.
The SEP requires Bordner to replace 28 windows at Grace United, which is expected to remove a significant amount of lead-based paint in the facility. The Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule seeks to reduce lead exposure from toxic lead dust that can be disturbed during renovations and repairs. The rule regulates lead-based paint activities, including renovation of residences built prior to 1978, and the certification of individuals and firms who are involved in these activities.
EPA's recordkeeping inspection of Bordner revealed that the company failed to provide owners of homes built prior to 1978 with an EPA-approved lead information pamphlet prior to beginning work, and failed to retain records demonstrating compliance with RRP Rule requirements for lead-safe work practices.
Lead exposure can cause a range of adverse health effects, from behavioral disorders and learning disabilities to seizures and death, putting young children at the greatest risk because their nervous systems are still developing. Today at least 4 million households have children who are being exposed to high levels of lead.
There are approximately half-a-million U.S. children ages 1-5 with blood lead levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter (g/dL), the reference level at which the Centers for Disease Control recommends public health actions be initiated.
If you suspect the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule has been violated at a recently completed or ongoing renovation project, EPA encourages you to contact Region 7 at 1-800-223-0425 or by using the electronic form available online.
Learn more about EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Program
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