EPA in Michigan

Southeast Grand Rapids Site

Update - Jan. 2017

Map of Grand Rapids with pinpont of site areaMap of Grand Rapids area with pinpoint location of site.

EPA to Resample Homes in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Evaluate Air Quality
EPA will conduct another round of air sampling in the neighborhood starting in January and February. Based on additional groundwater data now available, and results of the initial neighborhood investigation, EPA refined the target area that will be used for the winter resampling event. EPA will focus on properties that were previously sampled but did not exceed indoor air action levels. Since groundwater contamination levels can change from one season to the next, and residents commonly seal their homes during colder months, EPA is sampling to ensure that these factors do not effect air quality for residents. EPA will be conducting door-to-door outreach to request the follow-up samples starting in mid-January. 


On May 19, 2016, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services requested EPA assistance at the Southeast Grand Rapids Vapor Intrusion Site in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Elevated levels of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) had been detected in the indoor air at four properties, two residential and two commercial. Additionally, an elevated level of trichloroethylene (TCE) was detected at one of the commercial properties. These properties were determined to be unsafe for occupancy by the health department. The vapors caused the evacuation of six residents and workers of two non-profit organizations at two physically connected buildings at 1168 and 1170 Madison SE and 401 Hall SE. The health department lifted the ban public health preventing occupancy of 401 Hall SE, 1168 Madison SE, and 1170 #1 & #2 Madison SE. The buildings are reoccupied. Levels of target chemicals in the basements remain below action levels. EPA continues to conduct periodic indoor air sampling to verify that the levels remain safe.

Formerly Evacuated Buildings
The health department lifted the ban public health preventing occupancy of 401 Hall SE, 1168 Madison SE, and 1170 #1 & #2 Madison SE. The buildings are reoccupied. Levels of target chemicals in the basements remain below action levels. EPA continues to conduct periodic indoor air sampling to verify that the levels remain safe.

Neighborhood/Target Area
Over the summer and fall of 2016, EPA completed an indoor air investigation in the target area to find out if residents were in danger of being exposed to the vapors coming off contaminated underground water. Based on the investigation results, EPA installed remediation systems at 7 properties where indoor air exceeded action levels. Follow up indoor air testing shows that the systems are working effectively.

Fact Sheets

Technical Douments

Source Area

A former dry cleaning operation at 415 Hall St. SE released hazardous chemicals including tetrachloroethylene, or PCE, and trichloroethylene, or TCE. EPA worked to assess the extent of the underground contamination around the former dry cleaner this summer and fall. EPA is currently evaluating options to treat the contamination in the ground and groundwater at the former dry cleaner site, with the goal of eventually stopping the spread of contamination into the neighborhood.

Drinking water

In this area, EPA has not identified a threat to drinking water. City water is not contaminated (the city gets drinking water from Lake Michigan), and EPA has not identified any properties that use well water for drinking water.

Access Agreements

If your property is located within the investigation area, and you would like your property to be tested for vapor intrusion, please fill out and sign the “Consent for Access to Property.  After receiving your response, we will contact you to schedule the sampling of your property at a date and time that is most convenient to you.

Si le gustaría que analicemos su propiedad para ver si hay intrusión de vapor, por favor llene y firme el documento Consentimiento de Acceso a la Propiedad”. Después de recibir su respuesta, nos comunicaremos con usted para programar una cita en una fecha y hora que más le convenga a usted.