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Office of General Counsel Law Library Services

Contact Information

We are located at:
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
William Jefferson Clinton North Building, Room 1315
Washington, DC 20460

Appointments are preferred but not required. The Law Library provides limited reference and referral services concerning environmental law-related topics to members of the public.

We can be contacted at:
(202) 564-3971 (Reference and Interlibrary Loan)
(202) 564-3977 (Fax)

Mailing Address:
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. (2311A)
William Jefferson Clinton North Building, Room 1315
Washington, DC 20460

Hours of Operation

The library is open Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM, and Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM excluding federal holidays.

Borrowing Policy and Interlibrary Loans

Borrowing privileges are generally limited to EPA staff and other libraries.

To locate EPA library and repository materials, you can search the EPA National Library Catalog, EPA Libraries’ online catalog.  If you have any questions, please call the library.

Information For Other Libraries: We freely share materials with other libraries via the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system. Our OCLC symbol is EJC and we are members of FEDL (Federal Libraries and Information Centers) and LVIS (Libraries Very Interested in Sharing). For libraries that do not have OCLC access, please contact the Law Librarian at (202) 564-3971 for alternate methods.

About the Collection

Named for former EPA Administrator Douglas M. Costle, the Law Library collection contains federal law materials with an emphasis on environmental law topics. To determine if the Law Library owns a specific title, conduct a search on the EPA National Library Catalog web page. You can search by author, title, and keyword, and also limit your search to titles in the Law Library collection.

Collection Highlights:

  • EPA regulations, 1972 - present
  • Federal Register, 1936 - present
  • Environmental law case reporters
  • EPA General Counsel opinions
  • Legislative history materials on statutes administered by EPA
  • Legal treatises on environmental law topics
  • Environmental law reviews and journals