
Materials and Downloads for Renovators on Renovation, Repair and Painting

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Cover, Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools - September 2011 (PDF) . General information about legal requirements for safe lead practices for homeowners, tenants, child care providers and parents during renovation activities.
Cover, Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right

Insert sheet to replace page 10 (PDF) (added July 15, 2011; two copies per 8 1/2 x11 page) | en español (PDF) If you have remaining stocks of the April 2010 version of the Renovate Right brochure, use this insert to replace page 10 of that document.

 EPA's Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Program

Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right: EPA's Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Program - September 2011 (PDF) | en español (PDF) . A handbook for contractors, property managers, and maintenance personnel working in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 (September 2011 revised version).

cover, paint chip collection guide

Paint Chip Collection Guide (PDF) . A guide for certified renovators for the collection and submission of paint chip samples for analysis by a laboratory recognized by the National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP). Please note that your state may have further restrictions on this activity.

Pre-Renovation Disclosure Form (PDF) . A sample of the form to be signed by the owner or tenant confirming that they received a copy of the lead pamphlet before renovations begin.

Code of Federal Regulation Title 40: Protection of Environment; Part 745: Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures.

Renovation Notice and Record of Tenant Notification Procedures (PDF) . Samples of the forms used to notify occupants of renovation activities in the common area(s) of multi-family housing.

Sample Record Keeping Checklist (PDF) . To make recordkeeping easier, EPA has developed this checklist to help contractors comply with the renovation recordkeeping requirements that became effective April 22, 2010.