
E-Learning Course Approvals

Expedited E-Learning Course Approvals

Instructions for Currently Accredited Training Providers: How to Add an Already Reviewed and Accepted RRP Initial Renovator E-Learning Course from Another Training Provider to Your Training Curriculum

EPA reminds training providers that while the requirement for six hours of course lecture content is met by the e-learning course component, students are still required to complete at least two hours of hands-on skills, have these skills assessed, and take a final in-person exam before being certified. In order to be accredited to offer e-learning, the training provider must be the responsible party for both the on-line and the hands-on portion of the training. The e-learning online component provider may have a contractual relationship with the hands-on provider, but the principle instructor and all other requirements, such as training notification, will be the responsibility of the accredited training provider.

All requests to add an already-reviewed e-learning curriculum to an already-accredited training providers' record MUST include a cover letter, the training provider application, and an e-learning quality control (QC) plan that addresses these requirements (PDF) . The package MUST be sent via e-mail to Mike Wilson. Do not send applications for this purpose to the St. Louis address.

Application Instructions

To apply to offer an already-reviewed e-learning curriculum, the accredited training provider must complete only the following sections of the training provider application:

  • Section A. Select the third option for "Adding jurisdiction[s] to accreditation/amending accreditation." You will be submitting an amendment. Select the box for "Renovator" and "I" for initial. In the second rectangular box below the table, write "electronic learning format." Do not enter a fee amount; you will not be charged a fee when adding an already-reviewed e-learning curriculum as an already-accredited training provider.
  • Section B. Fill out the name of training program and address ONLY. Enter the location for the facility in which you will be offering the hands-on portion of the training.
  • Section F. Select "Renovator" in the row for "Other LBP Training."
  • Section G. Write "adding e-learning curriculum" and include the Web address of the training curriculum you will be using.
  • Sign and date the form.

Quality Control Plan Instructions

In addition to the application, the amendment request must also include an e-learning QC plan that meets all the requirements set forth (PDF) (. This includes procedures for how the trainer will ensure that:

  • Students successfully complete the e-learning modules and the e-learning module final assessment prior to attending the in-person portion;
  • The trainer has a system or internal process to verify that the online training was completed (e.g., a log-in to the e-Learning system that allows a trainer to view or search for a student's status, or an ability to send a registration list to the e-learning provider to match against completion records);
  • Students complete the required in-person training activities (minimum 2 hours for initial courses);
  • Students complete the in-person hands-on skills assessment;
  • Students complete the in-person final course exam (identical to the exam for those who took an in-class lecture); and
  • The training organization complies with the pre- and post-notification requirements for the in-person portion of the training.

The quality control plan must also include an Internet Web address where the e-learning course content can be reviewed and audited. The plan must include the Web address and a user name and password that EPA can use to access the course. This is necessary so that EPA can verify that the correct already-accepted course is being used and can be audited after accreditation.

Cover Letter

In addition to the application and QC plan, the expedited process requires a cover letter. The cover letter must reference the expedited approval process, specify that the trainer is already accredited, and specify the e-learning curriculum that will be used. The trainer must affirm that the trainer is requesting only to amend his/her accreditation in order to offer an e-learning course component. The letter MUST specify that the trainer will not be making additional modifications to his/her accreditation such as changes to hands-on activities, student-to-teacher ratio, facility information, or permanent location vs. traveling trainer location.