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EPA in Kansas

Region 7 Air Program Reviews

State and local agencies carry out many significant reponsibilities under the Clean Air Act. Even though these agencies take a lead role, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to be accountable for progress toward meeting national goals and ensuring that federal statutes are fulfilled.

To ensure that our oversight responsibilities are met, Region 7 conducts at least one program review each year at a state or local agency in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri or Nebraska. In general, we look at the overall effectiveness of the planning, asbetsos, permitting, monitoring and compliance and enforcement programs. Periodically, we may conduct a "focused" review on one or more limited aspects of a program. 

The 1984 "EPA Policy on Oversight of Delegated Environmental Programs" provides the foundation for structuring a Program Review. Region 7 has also relies on internal guidance to provide a fair and consistent framework for conducting the reviews. 

If you have questions about our oversight program or a particular agency review, please let us know. The latest report for each of the Region 7 states is available below.

Agency Report Date Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources FY 2012 Tracey Casburn
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality FY 2011 Greg Crable
Kansas Department of Health and Environment FY 2010 Deb Bredehoft
Iowa Department of Natural Resources FY 2009 Heather Hamilton 