Restoring the Kalamazoo River AOC (timeline)

Year Critical Actions


EPA orders Enbridge to remove the remaining recoverable crude oil, about 12,000 to 18,000 gallons, from the Kalamazoo River by December 31, 2013. 


The second beneficial use impairment is removed.

  • Degradation of aesthetics

Stage II of the remedial action plan was published, which details the Kalamazoo River Superfund site and the status of each BUI.


EPA begins removing 17,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment in Portage Creek. Creek banks are stabilized to prevent future contamination and erosion.

The first beneficial use impairment is removed.

  • Beach closings


MDEQ releases an updated delisting guide for each of the BUIs in the Michigan Areas of Concern.


A restoration plan identifies potential projects and delisting targets for the fish and wildlife BUIs.


MDEQ releases an update to the Remedial Action Plan.


The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service completes the Natural Resources Damage Assessment stage I report. The report includes Injury and economic assessments.


A dam removal summit funded by the the Great Lakes Commission brings together representatives from EPA, MDEQ and local governments to listen to advice and experiences of several consultants with expertise in dam removal.


MDEQ and EPA establish the Kalamazoo River/Lake Allegan total maximum daily load for phosphorus in response to water quality problems ascribed to excessive algal growth in Lake Allegan, the largest reservoir on the river.


A document is published that expands on the 1998 RAP and describes ongoing and recommended remedial actions.


Hundreds of thousands tons of contaminated waste and sediments are removed from various operable units within the AOC, including large amounts of PCBs.


The first stage of the Remedial Action Plan is published.