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EPA Collaboration with Vietnam

Map of Vietnam from CIA World Fact Book

A strong partnership with one of Asia’s fastest emerging economies.

Vietnam, a coastal nation of approximately ninety-four million people, is an important environmental partner for EPA in Asia. EPA is cooperating with Vietnam to support environmental planning, improve air quality, and address toxics like mercury and dioxin.

Seeking information in Vietnamese? Check out EPA's environmental and health information in Vietnamese.

Explore our work in Vietnam:

Building Strong Institutions and Legal Structures

Creating Strong Environmental Laws: EPA and Vietnam recognize the importance of clear, enforceable environmental laws that allow for meaningful stakeholder participation. Since 2014, EPA has participated in workshops organized by the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Exit to help inform development of new environmental laws. 

Tree planted by Gina McCarthy in VietnamEPA Administrator McCarthy plants a tree with women leaders during her visit to Vietnam.
  • Recently: In June 2016, EPA General Counsel Garbow visited Vietnam to meet with government officials, NGOs, students, and other stakeholders on the importance of strong environmental laws. In his conversations, he highlighted the importance of active public participation and transparency in environmental laws. 

Effective Environmental Planning:  EPA and Vietnam recognize that assessing the environmental impact of development is critical for strong environmental protection. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool to integrate economic and environmental concerns when planning for development of infrastructure.  EPA and Vietnam, in partnership with USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA), are working together to improve EIAs. 

Promoting Environmental Security at Seaports: EPA supports the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) Seaport Environmental Security Network (SESN), an international organization of enforcement officials responsible for import and export of environmentally-regulated substances. Vietnam is an active participant in the Network. 

  • Recently: In December 2015, EPA and SESN held a 3-day Seaport Environmental Security Network workshop and field exercise for Vietnamese customs officials at Haiphong, the largest commercial port in Vietnam. Participants in this course learned techniques for detecting hazardous materials at ports, as well as practical models for communication between agencies on illegal shipments. EPA expects to help deliver a second workshop in Vietnam in April 2017. 
  • Learn More: Seaport Environmental Security Network Exit

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Reducing Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

group photo of remediation team in fieldEPA partners with Vietnam on a bioremediation pilot project on a contaminated site.

Monitoring Mercury: Mercury is a potent neurotoxicant that negatively impacts human health and the environment. To better understand the atmospheric movement of mercury, the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) participates in the Asia-Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network (APMMN) hosted by EPA, EPA Taiwan and the National Atmospheric Deposition Program. Through APMMN, VEA is monitoring mercury in rainwater and sharing data with other countries in the network to contribute to a regional understanding of where mercury travels and deposits. 

Cleaning Up Dioxin: Since 2006, EPA has co-chaired the U.S-Vietnam Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) on Agent Orange and Dioxin, which coordinates joint research and provides technical advice to policy makers to help develop environmental and health initiatives. EPA also provides technical assistance for treatment of dioxin-contaminated sites in Vietnam. 

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Improving Air Quality for a Healthier Tomorrow

Air quality presentation in VietnamEPA official shares air quality and health information with the public at a discussion in Ho Chi Minh City.

Fine particulate matter (also referred to as "PM 2.5") is visible to the human eye as haze and can impact respiratory health. In partnership with EPA, US Embassy Hanoi and the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City operate air quality monitors which measure PM 2.5. As a result, residents of these cities are able to stay informed about real-time air quality conditions.

  • Recently: Between February and May 2016, an EPA official worked with both US Embassy Hanoi and Vietnam Environmental Administration (VEA) on air monitoring. During his visit, he provided recommendations to enhance the air quality monitoring system in Vietnam and also shared information about the U.S. Air Quality Index with EPA’s partners in Vietnam.  
  • Learn more: Air Quality Index
  • Learn More: US Embassy Vietnam's air monitor

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Cleaning Up E-Waste, a Global Responsibility

EPA and Vietnam recognize that managing electronic waste is a global challenge. The Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) is a member of the International E-Waste Management Network (IEMN) hosted by EPA and EPA Taiwan (EPAT). Through their participation in the network, Vietnam has shared its experiences related to e-waste management, learned from officials across the region, and hosted a workshop on e-waste management. Through these discussions, Vietnam has gained knowledge about successful models and approaches for managing electronic waste, as well as strategies to engage critical stakeholders. 

Learn More:

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For additional information about EPA's work with Vietnam, contact:
Rakhi Kasat
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2670R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
E-mail: kasat.rakhi@epa.gov
(202) 564-0458