Indoor airPLUS

Become an Indoor airPLUS Verifier

Indoor air quality issues like mold, radon, carbon monoxide and toxic chemicals are associated with many health problems especially asthma — a serious health issue for many Americans. The Indoor airPLUS label for new homes provides builders the opportunity to offer potential homebuyers quality built homes that help reduce health risks from poor indoor air quality.

Via the Indoor airPLUS program, verifiers work with builders to ensure that the air quality inside Indoor airPLUS qualified homes meets EPA's high standards. Home energy verifiers play an integral part in working with builders to construct and verify Indoor airPLUS homes, including:

  1. Assisting builders in reviewing construction practices and recommending improvements that will result in Indoor airPLUS compliance.
  2. Testing and verifying Indoor airPLUS homes.
  3. Completing the Indoor airPLUS verification checklist, Version 1 (Revision 3).
  4. Labeling and reporting Indoor airPLUS qualified homes to EPA.

There are several benefits to participating in Indoor airPLUS. Verifiers can:

  • Offer customers a wider variety of services, thus potentially increasing business.
  • Help builders meet the highest voluntary indoor air quality standards, backed by the federal government.
  • Distinguish themselves as a "green verifier" by verifying energy efficient and healthier homes — a growing and popular movement in the home buying industry.