Protecting IAQ During School Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects with Energy Savings Plus Health Guidelines

- Webinar: Bringing Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality to Your School through EPA’s Energy Savings Plus Health Guidelines| Recorded June 16, 2016
- USGBC Center for Green Schools Article: “Getting your Ducks in a Row: Energy Efficiency and Health in Green Schools"
Integrating Indoor Air Quality Protections and Energy Efficiency Improvements
Energy Savings Plus Health: Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for School Building Upgrades equips school districts to integrate indoor air quality protections into school energy efficiency retrofits and other building upgrade projects. School districts starting the building retrofit process will be able to optimize energy efficiency upgrades without compromising occupant health.
Energy Savings Plus Health Guidelines for Schools
- Read the overview of and download the Energy Savings Plus Health Guidelines for Schools
- Download the Energy Savings Plus Health Checklist Generator(4 pp, 615 K)
The Business Case
- Making the Business Case
- Economics of Integrating Energy Efficiency Retrofits with Health Improvements
- How IAQ Affects Health and Student Performance
- Review the Case Study in Colorado Springs School District 11, the integration of energy efficiency and IAQ had remarkable benefits.
Getting Started
- Basic Steps to Use the Guidelines
- Energy Efficiency and
Indoor Air Quality in Schools - Examples of School Energy Efficiency Projects