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Frequent Questions about the Manifest Registry

  • Can I submit multiple form samples to the EPA Registry for approval?
  • Must I submit a continuation sheet sample to the Manifest Registry under section 262.21(d)?
  • How much information must be provided in the initial application and how must it be organized?
  • What situations might exempt me from having to submit form samples under 40 CFR 262.21(d) or (h)(3)?
  • Can I typeset the form after I am approved to print the manifest?
  • Section 262.21(b)(5)(ii) requires the initial application to explain “other quality procedures to be followed by each establishment and printing company to ensure that all required print specifications are achieved consistently and that printing violations are identified and corrected at the earliest practicable time.” Would you please give me some suggestions on how to satisfy this requirement?
  • Can my organization request two or more suffixes in our initial application?
  • How can I satisfy the requirement for a signed certification in my initial application under section 262.21(b)(8)?
  • Now that EPA has approved my organization to print the manifest under section 262.21(e), what requirements apply to us and what is the role of the signatory and contact person in ensuring compliance?
  • Once I am approved to print the manifest, are there any circumstances under which my printing privileges could be suspended or revoked?
  • I'm interested in buying manifests from a registered printer and would like to ask it to custom imprint my company's name and mailing address in the designated block (Item 5) of each form. Is it permissible for a registered printer to custom imprint information in the blocks of the manifest and continuation sheet?