Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Worthington Steel Company in Malvern, Pennsylvania

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In October 3, 2002, EPA determined that the Human Health Exposures Under Control and the Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Environmental Indicators had been met.

Cleanup Background

In June 2002, the Worthington Steel (Facility) shut down all operations and sold the property to O’Neil Properties who is currently redeveloping the property into commercial offices and retail stores.   The primary contaminant in groundwater at the facility is the cyanide and localized volatile organic compounds (VOCs) plumes, which are contained within the site property lines.  O’Neil Properties is addressing the groundwater and soil contamination under the Pennsylvania Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act 2).  The cyanide plume has been defined and stabilized onsite.  Localized VOCs groundwater plumes are within the property boundary lines. Ongoing groundwater monitoring will ensure that the cyanide and localized VOCs plumes are stabilized onsite.

EPA supports the actions, which the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Agency (PADEP) has taken and those it proposes to take to address environmental conditions at the Facility.  Based on currently known information and site conditions, EPA neither plans nor anticipates taking any further corrective actions at the Facility.  The investigation and remediation will proceed under the PADEP Act 2 Program.  EPA will rely upon PADEP to resolve any current or future closure and corrective action issues associated with the Facility.

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Site Description

Interactive map of Worthington Steel Company, Malvern, PA

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The Worthington Steel facility located in Malvern, Pennsylvania.  The facility is approximately 40 acres and contains 409,216 square feet of production space.  In the past the facility processed and manufactured cold-rolled steel and steel products.  Land use in the vicinity of the facility is predominantly commercial and industrial.  Wyeth Laboratories, a pharmaceutical company, is located upgradient from the facility.  Little Valley Creek runs through the northern portion of the site and is fed in part by groundwater coming from the facility. 

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Contaminants at this Facility

The primary contaminant in groundwater at the facility is the cyanide and localized VOCs plumes, which are contained within the site property lines.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Currently there are no Institutional Controls at the facility.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The site is being reused.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of Pennsylvania DEP with assistance from EPA Region 3.

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