Hazardous Waste Cleanup: AMP Incorporated Building 52 in Loganville, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

In 1995, AMP completed a Baseline Assessment (BA) of the site to review historical operations and potential releases to the environment. Groundwater, surface and subsurface soils were evaluated. The investigation consisted of several soil boring samples and the installation and monitoring of five groundwater wells. The locations of the sampling points were determined based on the site reconnaissance and the areas of potential impacts from the Facility’s operations.

Soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The results indicated low concentrations of TPH in all samples ranging from 3.7 to 16.7 mg/kg. The concentrations were below the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) interim Level 2 soil standard of 500 mg/kg. None of the detected constituents in the soil samples exceeded PADEP Residential Direct Contact medium-specific concentrations (MSCs) or Residential Soil to Groundwater MSCs for used aquifers. The levels of constituents detected in soil meet EPA allowable risk range for direct contact for residential land use.

Five monitoring wells and the former plant well were sampled periodically from 1995 to 2001 for VOCs and heavy metals.  Levels of heavy metals detected in groundwater were below the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Occasionally, levels of VOCs were detected slightly above MCLs in the downgradient wells and the former plant well. Over the years the VOC levels in the downgradient wells have decreased. The most recent groundwater data indicate stable VOC levels below the MCLs for all five monitoring wells.

The former plant well is located at the center of the Site. The well depth is 117 feet, which is approximately 50 feet deeper than the downgradient monitoring wells. The former plant well has not been sampled since 1997. It has since been abandoned and is no longer available for sampling. The former plant well have occasionally detected slightly elevated levels of 1,1,-dichloroethene (DCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in groundwater. The levels detected in the former plant well for PCE and 1,1-DCE have been between 5-19 ug/L and 4-17 ug/L, respectively. These levels are within EPA allowable risk range for indoor vapor intrusion and do not pose an adverse vapor intrusion exposure risk. All other levels of constituents of concern in groundwater are below MCLs. 

In July 2012, PADEP and EPA conducted an offsite groundwater sampling of the available downgradient residential wells to determine if historic levels of 1,1,-DCE and PCE in the former plant well pose an environmental and human health concern.  The offsite sample results were non-detects for VOCs. The results confirmed that past detections of slightly elevated 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) concentrations in the former plant well have not impacted the surrounding environment.  It’s been 15 years since the plant well was sampled. Given that there is no continuous source of contamination that may pose an impact to groundwater, the low levels of 1,1-DCE and PCE that were detected in the former plant well have decreased over the years through the process of natural attenuation. Remnants of 1,1-DCE and PCE that may still be present in the plant well do not adversely impact the environment as confirmed by the offsite sample results. The Site no longer uses groundwater and is currently connected to public water.

EPA has concluded that there are no current or unaddressed releases of hazardous wastes or hazardous constituents from the Facility. In September 2012 and after a 30-day public comment  period on the proposed decision of no further action without controls, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the decision that no further action or land use controls are necessary at the Facility at this time. This final decision is protective of human health and the environment.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of Tyco Electronics, Loganville, Pennsylvania

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The former AMP facility is approximately 23 acres and consists of two manufacturing buildings designated as Buildings 52 and 143, a chemical storage building, and the fire pond pump house. During its operational years, the Facility manufactured plastic products and electrical components. The Facility is located in a mixed commercial/residential area of Springfield Township. 

Two separate EPA ID numbers were assigned to the former AMP facility. The EPA ID No. PAD 041511874 was originally assigned to the entire Site. However, in 1995, AMP obtained a separate EPA ID No. PAR 000007369 to designate the operations in Building 143 as a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) that generates 100 kilograms or less of hazardous wastes per month. The original EPA ID No. PAD 041511874 presently applies only to the property associated with Building 52.

Presently, there are two independent businesses operating at the Site. In 1999, Tyco Electronics Corporation (TEC) acquired AMP. From 2001to 2002, TEC subdivided the Site into two properties and sold each property separately. The portion of the property that consists of Building 52 was sold to Cox Media and Dominion Enterprises who transformed the former manufacturing building into a printing operation business. The company prints classified advertising magazines such as AutoTrader and the Employment Guide. The other half of the Site that consists of Building 143 was sold to Komax Corporation who manufactures industrial equipment that assembles solar panels. 

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Contaminants at this Facility

Primary contaminants at the facility include heavy metals, particularly lead, cadmium, and chromium that were used in paint pigments. Soil and groundwater are contaminated with these metals; however, several removals of contaminated soil have reduced the likelihood of exposure to contaminated soil, and dissolved concentrations of heavy metals in groundwater have consistently been below levels of concern.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional controls were not required at the site.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

 The site is being reused.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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