Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Seneca Landfill (Formerly: Vogel Disposal Service) in Harmony, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Cleanup Status
In September 2002, EPA determined, with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) input, that both the Human Exposures and Groundwater Environmental Indicators have been met. PADEP re-issued the Solid Waste Permit in October 2011. EPA has evaluated the closure and post-closure measures taken at the Facility under the PADEP permit. EPA believes that the past actions and current/future requirements under the permit address the corrective action issues. In September 2014, EPA established Institutional and Engineering Controls for the facility, along with corrective action remedy complete.
Cleanup Background
The Seneca Landfill (formerly Vogel Disposal Services) is an operating Municipal Waste Landfill. As such, current and future access is restricted to required operation and maintenance activity. The facility is fenced to prevent unauthorized access. Current and future groundwater use is restricted to monitoring and maintenance activities.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) routinely inspects the facility for compliance with its permit requirements (Solid Waste Permit No. 100403). Groundwater is monitored as part of the Facility-wide monitoring required under the State Permit. There are currently nine groundwater monitoring wells; three upgradient wells, one side-gradient well, and five downgradient wells. The groundwater is monitored on a quarterly schedule, as prescribed by the State Permit.
The groundwater beneath the Facility is contaminated with brines from past oil and gas drilling operations that were conducted near the Facility, and acid mine drainage from past mining operations. Current monitoring results show no organic compounds in the groundwater. Indicator parameters and metals are detected at elevated levels; primarily sodium, chloride, sulfate, iron and manganese. Those parameters are present at elevated levels in both the upgradient and downgradient wells, and are attributed to former oil and gas drilling and coal mining operations near the Facility.
Site Description
Interactive map of Seneca Landfill (Formerly: Vogel Disposal Service), Harmony, PA
The Facility is located on Hartman Road in Lancaster and Jackson Townships, Butler County, Pennsylvania. It is situated on approximately 268 acres of land just east of Harmony, Pennsylvania, and is surrounded by a mix of industrial property, farm land and wooded land.
The Facility is an active municipal waste disposal facility permitted under the Solid Waste Permit which was initially issued in July 1973 and most recently reissued in October 2011. The Facility is also subject to the post-closure requirements of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) under the authorized state hazardous waste program.
The Facility landfill consists of four fill areas. The four landfill areas occupy approximately 100 acres of the Facility. Areas A, B, and C pre-date Area D. Area D is the active landfill area. It overtops part of Area A and all of Areas B and C. Area A and Area B contain some hazardous waste. They were closed under PADEP-approved closure plans, which are incorporated into and enforceable under the Solid Waste Permit.
Leachate from the Landfill is collected and transported by pipe to an on-site treatment system prior to discharge to Connoquenessing Creek.
Contaminants at this Facility
The groundwater beneath the Facility is contaminated with brines from past oil and gas drilling operations that were conducted near the Facility, and acid mine drainage from past mining operations.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
The PADEP Solid Waste Permit imposes land-use restrictions on the property. Current and future access is restricted to authorized personnel. The facility is fenced to prevent unauthorized access. Current and future groundwater use is restricted to monitoring and maintenance activities.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
Site is under continued use.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are “State-Lead” which means on-going monitoring requirements are being directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) through the State permitting program.