Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Olin Microelectronic Materials Incorporated in Nazareth, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

The Olin Facility submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) under their Land Recycling (Act 2) Program and was granted a release from environmental liability under the Act 2 Program. EPA published a public notice in the local newspaper that described the proposed no further action for the Facility.  In 2006, EPA provided a 30-day comment period to welcome public review and input. No comments were received. EPA therefore finalized the corrective action decision on August 23, 2006 that  Olin Microelectronics Materials has attained Corrective Action Complete with Controls status. Olin has recorded a deed restriction for the property.



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Site Description

Interactive map of Olin Microelectronic Materials Incorporated, Nazareth, PA

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The site is located at 731 Enger Rd. in Nazareth within Plainfield Township in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The facility was established in 1972 as Hi-Pure Chemicals, Inc. The site consists of tract # 1 and tract # 2. The tracts are non-contiguous properties, and industrial activity was limited to tract # 1. Tract # 1 is approximately 360 feet by 650 feet and consists of a large manufacturing building/warehouse and an office building. Industrial activities conducted by the Olin Corporation began in 1984. The facility repackaged and purified industrial, electronic, and food grade acids. Materials handled at the site included: ammonium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, and ammonium biflouride.

The site is currently inactive and zoned for use as Industrial/Business Park. Storage tanks, both aboveground and underground, and sumps have been removed during the site demolition activities, which were completed in 1998. A permitted spray irrigation system, for non-contact cooling water, was operated on the northwest side of the property. The use of the spray irrigation system ended in 1987. Two surface water impoundments were formerly in use at the site. The firewater pond located west of the property has been drained, but may be re-commissioned for use by a new owner. The retention pond has been drained, cleaned, and filled with crushed decontaminated concrete and stone fill. In addition, during demolition activities that occurred in 1998, process equipment, process lines, HVAC units and duct work were removed, and minor building repairs completed.

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Contaminants at this Facility

Contaminants of concern include concentrations of fluoride, nitrate, and sulfate in groundwater.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional /Engineering Control Summary
Restrictions or Controls that Address: Yes No
Groundwater Use
Residential Use
Vapor Intrusion
Capped Area(s)
Other Engineering Controls
Other Restrictions

    Institutional Controls enforced through an Environmental Covenant/Deed Restriction include:

    • Groundwater use restriction on the property via a deed notice. This notice specifies that site groundwater from existing wells shall not be used for any purpose except monitoring, with the exception that existing production well PW-1 may be used for any purpose except drinking water unless first pre-treated to reduce the concentration of fluoride to below the MCL of 2.0 mg/l. Any new wells drilled on site in the future for any purpose other than monitoring must first be shown, through adequate sampling and analysis, to be safe for their designated intended purpose and must first be approved for use, in writing, by the PADEP, and may require periodic monitoring to ensure their continued safe use.
    • The site shall be used solely for non-residential use.
    • A portion of the existing building slab ldentified in Exhibit A (In the Environmental Covenant) the 'Restricted Area' shall be maintained and If soils under such slab are accessed or excavated, such access shall follow the Soli Excavation Plan In Exhibit D (of the Environmental Covenenat) .

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    Land Reuse Information at this Facility

    The facility's future use is yet to be determined.

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    Site Responsibility at this Facility

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3 with assistance from PADEP.

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