Hazardous Waste Cleanup: MA Bruder and Sons Incorporated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

EPA has determined that the cleanup levels are protective of human health and the environment for non-residential land use, and on September 10, 2015 , EPA issued a final corrective action decision with remedy that is continued compliance with the existing environmental covenant to restrict certain uses of Facility land and groundwater.

EPA expects final remedies to return usable groundwater to its maximum beneficial use within a timeframe that is reasonable given the particular circumstances of the project. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) has designated the aquifer under the Facility as a non-use aquifer. In addition, monitoring has shown that there are no unacceptable exposures to groundwater by applicable receptors, including receptors outside the property boundary. Also the January 9, 2013 environmental covenant, file # 120791PHI, prohibits the former storage area from being developed for occupied use. Therefore, to limit the potential for exposure to soil vapor, EPA proposes continued compliance with and maintenance of use restrictions as recorded in the environmental covenant.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of MA Bruder and Sons Incorporated, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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The Facility is located on a parcel that is approximately 185 feet by 740 feet, and consists of a large two story production building. The facility is surrounded by mixed industrial, residential and commercial properties.

The Facility began operations in 1920 and closed in 2007 after being purchased by Sherwin-Williams Company. Historically, MA Bruder produced and packaged a variety of oil-based and water based paints. The Facility is currently owned by Grays LLC. The current and anticipated future use of the property is for warehousing.

The production was done in a large two-story building, which still occupies most of the production area, and an area on the west side of the building that was used for tank and container storage. Industrial operations were closed in December 2007 and the Facility was fully decommissioned in 2008. Decommissioning activities included removal and clean-up of all remaining chemicals and manufacturing materials; including raw materials, tanks, process vessels, piping, etc., as well as the removal of several storage structures.

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Contaminants at this Facility

 Contaminants of concern are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and manganese.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

 Institutional Controls consist of groundwater monitoring, and the former storage area from being developed for occupied use.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The site under continued use.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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