Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Harley-Davidson Motor Company Incorporated in York, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

After an investigation of the potential for vapor intrusion of groundwater contaminants near the southeast corner of the facility in early 2015 demonstrated that contaminant concentrations in off-site groundwater did not exceed EPA’s vapor intrusion screening levels, EPA determined that human exposures to contamination are under control at the Facility.  Migration of contaminated groundwater is indeterminate as potential ecological impacts to Codorus Creek are unknown.

EPA and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) approved Part One of the Facility’s Supplemental Remedial Investigation for Groundwater in February 2012, and the Supplemental Remedial Investigation for Soils in March 2010.  Part Two of the groundwater investigation began in May 2012 and is anticipated to continue for two years.  Part Two includes several tasks such as: source area investigations, assessment of the migration of groundwater and contaminants near the property boundary in several areas, and the installation of new wells.  Once these investigations are completed, a feasibility study will be conducted to assess various remedial options that will address contamination at the Facility.

The Facility is informing the community of environmental activities at the facility via periodic newsletters and a website, www.yorksiteremedy.comExit

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Site Description

Interactive map of Harley-Davidson Motor Company Incorporated, York, PA

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Harley-Davidson has manufactured motorcycles at the Facility since 1973. Previous owners include the United States Department of the Navy, which operated an ordnance plant on the property (often referred to as the "Former York Naval Ordnance Plant"). Reportedly, the Former York Naval Ordnance Plant manufactured non-explosive ordnance items, such as guns and gun mounts

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Contaminants at this Facility

Primary contaminants include trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, trichloroethane, and chromium.  Exposure routes to contamination from the Facility include groundwater infiltration into surface water via Codorus Creek and the intrusion of vapors into buildings from groundwater beneath and adjacent to the Facility.  The groundwater-to-surface water pathway is being evaluated to determine if contamination reaching the creek is above levels of ecological concern.  The vapor intrusion pathway has been assessed in the northeast and southeast property boundaries and been either mitigated or found to be below levels of concern.  Although surface and subsurface soil is contaminated in several areas of the Facility, exposure to these areas is not considered of sufficient duration or probability (i.e. soils are covered with pavement) to constitute a significant pathway of concern.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

It is anticipated that institutional controls will be required as part of the remedy to ensure that groundwater is not used for potable purposes in the vicinity of the Facility and that Facility property remains nonresidential.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

Harley-Davidson continues to use the majority of the property to manufacture motorcycles. The 58-acre area known as the West Campus was sold to the York County Industrial Development Authority in July 2012.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3 with assistance from PA DEP.

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